8. First start
Do not proceed to boot the system until
the pumps and suction pipe being
supplied with liquid.
To the system boot, proceed as follows:
1 - Connect the power and water networks.
2 - Close the valve on the discharge side of all
3 - Purge all the bombs and make sure that the inlet
manifold and the suction pipes are also purged.
4 - Make sure the preload pressure of the deposit is
equal to 0.9 x boot pressure.
5 - Connect the power supply.
6 - Proceed to the start of the first pump
positioning for a few moments the button manual
operation (Pic. 2 - No. 2).
7 - Check the direction of rotation of the pump. If
the rotation is incorrect, switch two phases of the
power supply (only in the case of three-phase
8 - Proceed to purge the pump slowly opening its
9 - Repeat the same procedure for others pumps.
10 - Prepare the pressurization system for
automatic operation, positioning operation buttons
for the automatic position (Pic. 2 - No. 2).
9 - (6-7) Led indication of
10 - (6-8) Led indication
simultaneity 2
11 - (6-8) Led indication
simultaneity 3
12 - (1-3) Led indication of
pump 1 connected
13 - (1-4) Led indication of
pump 2 connected
14- (1-5) Led indication of
pump 3 connected
15 - (2-10) Led to indicate
9. Operating Modes
The mode of operation of each pump can be
selected through specific buttons for "Automatic
operation (AUT)", "Stop (0)" and "Operation
manual (I)", as described in section "7. Control
Manual operation
Manual operation is typically used during the
system boot, testing or for maintenance and
service. To activate the manual operation position
for a few moments the button manual operation.
The button for manual operation does not have a
fixed position, so you should keep the button
positioned during the test cycle.
Automatic operation
When selecting this mode of operation, the pumps
operate automatically according to system
requirements, eg. configured on the pressure
- When you open a faucet, the water is removed
from the membrane tank until the tank is empty.
- When the pressure down to the pressure of the
first startup, there is the start of the first pump.
- If consumption continues to rise, more pumps will
be triggered until the pump efficiency in operation
meet the requirements.
- When the water consumption decreases, the
discharge pressure increases until the pressure of
the first stop, giving stop of pressure switch and a
- If consumption continue to decrease more pumps
will be stopped until the last pump finally fill the
membrane tank and stop.
Protection against running dry
The system includes option for protection against
running dry to prevent dry running of pumps.
Protection against dry running is activated by a
pressure switch or level switch on the suction side
and then the control framework (Annex 1 - security
command). Not included in the standard system.