2.6 Aux Send/Return
The Aux path can be alternatively
used as a second independent
monitor signal or as a Send/Return
loop for external effect devices. To
switch between both functions, the
outgoing 'Send' signal can be 'tapped'
either before ('Pre') or after the
channel fader ('Post') with the
PRE/POST switch (36) in the master
section. In 'Pre' mode, the 'Send'
signal is not affected by the channel
fader, which makes it suitable for
monitor purposes. In 'Post' mode,
the 'Send' signal level follows the
channel faders, which is more
appropriate for driving effect units.
If the Aux path was used for effects
in 'Pre' mode, the channel's effect
signal would be still be audible,
even with the channel fader down -
not very desirable, unless you are
aiming for a real funny sound.
If the Aux path is used as an effects
Send/Return loop ('Post'), the input
of the external effect unit must be
connected to the AUX SEND jack
(28) and can be level-adjusted with
the master AUX SEND control knob
(33). The output of the effect unit,
stereo in most cases, goes to the
AUX RETURN jacks. If the effect
device is sending back only one
(monaural) signal, use only the
upper LEFT/MONO return jack. The
AUX RETURN knob (34) controls the
proportion of the effect return
signal in the master signal.
The AUX RETURN inputs can also be
used as a stereo line input, e.g. for
connecting a sub-mixer for more ad-
ditional channels or for PA test CDs.
2.7 Effect Send
The EFFECT SEND (29) jack can be
used for feeding the internal effect
signal to another external effect de-
vice. It always carries the same
signal that is send to the input of
the PD's internal effect unit, so that
its level is also controlled by the EFF
control knobs (14) on the channels.
The output of the external effect
unit must be connected to the AUX
RETURN jacks (34). For monaural
effect units, use only the LEFT /
MONO return jack.
If the Profiler's internal effect is not
wanted, turn it off by either using
the EFFECT ON/OFF button (62) or
the EFFECT fader (51).
2.8 Tape connectors
These connectors (24, 25) are RCA
type to facilitate connection of
consumer-type tape decks, DAT
recorders or CD players. The input
level can be adjusted with the TAPE
IN control knob (35). The master
faders do not affect the tape input,
which makes it possible to playback
music through the mixer also when
the master faders are down or
when the mixer is in standby mode.
The tape input signal is not displayed
on the LED chains and does not
appear at the PHONES output.
The TAPE OUT level is also indepen-
dent from the master faders and
does not own an individual control.
It is affected, however, by the
master EQ.
2.9 Phantom power supply
Depressing the PHANTOM POWER
switch (37) engages the phantom
supply power on the XLR inputs of
channels 1 - 6, shown by the green
control LED. The built-in phantom
power supply enables the Profiler
14.1000 to power professional con-
denser microphones and eliminates
the need for batteries in most cases.
The phantom power is supplied
equally through pins 2 and 3 of the
XLR input jacks, which also allows
dynamic (unpowered) microphones
to be operated with the phantom
power supply engaged. To be safe
from pop noises, however, always
disengage the phantom power
before connecting or unplugging
Owner`s manual Profiler 14.1000 © Zeck Audio