I n s t a l l a t I o n
Compact Water
Fill Valve
Package Includes:
(1) Female Garden
Hose Adapter
(2) Rubber Gaskets (For Use
with Garden Hose Adapter)
(1) ½" Barbed Fitting
for Poly-Pipe
Installing the Compact Water Fill Valve
Drill a ¾" hole in side wall of skimmer, Pondless
Vault, or decorative basin. Exact location for the water fill valve
will be different for each unit. Fill valve location should be 1"
above the desired water level.
Insert threaded end of fill valve through the ¾" hole drilled
in the side wall of unit. Note: Rubber washer must be located
on the inside wall.
Poly-Pipe/PVC Installation
If using poly-pipe or PVC, thread the desired fitting onto the other
end of the fill valve
(Item #88006)
(1) ¼" Quick-Connect
Fitting for Poly-Pipe
(1) ½" Slip Fitting
for PVC Pipe
(1) Hose Clamp
NOTE: Correctly orient water fill valve pointing down.
Do not orient valve in the upright position.
Tighten hex nut, securing the fill valve to the unit.
Connect ½" irrigation line to barbed fitting and tighten with hose
clamp provided in the water fill valve kit.
For more information about our company or products, please visit our website at
www.aquascapeinc.com or call us at (US) 1-866-877-6637 (CAN) 1-866-766-3426.
US 1-866-877-6637 |
I n s t r u C t I o n s
Care and MaintenanCe
Once set to the desired water level, the AquascapePRO
little additional maintenance. Periodically inspect the Compact Water Fill Valve to make sure
it is functioning properly.
Regular pond and filter maintenance, such as removing and cleaning debris baskets
and filter mats will help the Compact Water Fill Valve operate accurately.
Winter preparation – The AquascapePRO
operate during extended periods of temperatures below freezing. During the
winter, simply detach the garden hose adapter from the water fill valve. No additional steps need
to be taken to clear water from the ½" poly-pipe.
adjusting the Water Fill ValVe
Initial positioning of fill valve arm can be made by loosening thumb screw and wing nut found
on the axle of the fill valve arm and adjusting the angle of the arm.
Final adjustments of the fill valve should be made while the pump is operating and the
water in the pond is at the desired level.
CAN 1-866-766-3426 | www.aquascapeinc.com
Compact Water Fill Valve requires
Compact Water Fill Valve will not
Remove hex nut from threaded end of fill valve,
leaving only the rubber washer on.
Plumbing Options
Garden Hose Installation
If connecting to a garden hose, thread ½" end of the female
garden hose adapter (included) to the other side of fill valve.
Insert the (2) rubber gaskets into ¾" end of adapter and attach
garden hose.
Trench ½" poly-pipe irrigation line to water spigot and connect
using a brass garden hose adaptor (not included), or connect
to existing irrigation line. The irrigation line can be buried a few
inches below the surface of the soil.
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