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  • FRANÇAIS, page 33
FUlly CHArgeD - AUtO MAintAining. This indicates the charger has switched to
the Maintain Mode of operation. In this mode, the charger keeps the battery fully charged
by delivering a small current when necessary. NOTE: If the charger has to provide its
maximum maintain current for a continuous 12 hour period, it will go into Abort Mode (see
Aborted Charge section). This is usually caused by a drain on the battery, or the battery
could be bad. Make sure there are no loads on the battery. If there are, remove them. If
there are none, have the battery checked or replaced.
The SPI15S.V2 with Power Supply maintains 12 volt batteries, keeping them at full charge.
It is not recommended for industrial applications.
NOTE: The maintain mode technology allows you to safely charge and maintain a healthy battery
for extended periods of time. However, problems with the battery, electrical problems in the
vehicle, improper connections or other unanticipated conditions could cause excessive current
draws. As such, occasionally monitoring your battery and the charging process is recommended.
Your charger is equipped with a fan. It is normal for the fan to run while the charger is charging.
Keep the area near the charger free of obstructions, to allow the fan to operate efficiently.


COnneCt ClAMPS (No LED lit) – Plugged into the AC outlet without the clamps
connected to a battery.
WArning - ClAMPS reVerSeD (No LED lit) – Plugged into the AC outlet and the
clamps are connected backwards to a battery.
AnAlyzing BAttery (Green LED lit) – Plugged into the AC outlet, and when first
correctly connected to battery.
CHArging - XX% (Green LED lit) – Plugged into the AC outlet and correctly connected to
a discharged battery.
FUlly CHArgeD - AUtO MAintAining (Green LED pulsing) – Plugged into the AC
outlet and correctly connected to a fully charged battery.
CHArge ABOrteD - BAD BAttery (Green LED flashing) –
Circumstances that could cause an Abort situation during charging:
• The battery is severely sulfated or has a shorted cell and can't reach a full charge.
• The battery is too large or there is a bank of batteries and it doesn't reach full charge within
a set time period.
Circumstances that could cause an Abort situation during maintain:
• The battery is severely sulfated or has a weak cell and will not hold a charge.
• There is a large draw on the battery and the charger has to supply its maximum maintain
current for a 12 hour period to keep the battery at full charge.
BAttery DiSCOnneCteD (No LED lit) – Clamps were unplugged during charging.
CHArge MODe - PreSS FOr POWer SUPPly MODe - DOUBle CliCK tO
COnFirM (No LED lit) – Plugged into the AC outlet, and charger mode is selected. Double
click button to enter the charger mode.
POWer SUPPly MODe - PreSS FOr CHArge MODe - DOUBle CliCK tO
COnFirM (No LED lit) – Plugged into the AC outlet, and power supply mode is selected.
Double click button to enter the power supply mode.
eXternAl BAttery VOltAge tOO HigH (No LED lit) – The external battery voltage
is more than the unit with power supply mode.
POWer SUPPly On (Green LED lit) – Plugged into the AC outlet, and the unit is working
in power supply mode.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières