4.3. Functional diagram for configuration
Selecting the appropriate measuring transducer
Configuring the input current range
Fine adjustment of the measuring transducer
Configuring the switching output
4.3.1. Selecting the appropriate measuring transducer
How to select the appropriate measuring transducer can be found in "2.2. Versions" or
"7.1. Order Key".
The measured value must always be borne in mind:
0...0.2 A to 0...11 A (MCR-S-1-5-...) or
0...9.5 A to 0...55 A (MCR-S-10-50-...).
If in doubt, always choose the largest possible measuring range.
There is also one version with relay and transistor output for each module type (MCR-S-...-SW-DCI).
4.3.2. Configuring or programming
Using the MCR/PI-CONF-WIN software, the user has the possibility of freely programming the true r.m.s.
value current transducer. Programming is described in the software manual. The convenient configura-
tion software runs under all common windows operating systems.
In addition to the programming, modules can be parameterized using DIP switches and potentiometers.
In the rest of this chapter, the configuration is explained:
Configuring or
Configuration via DIP switch
Opening the device
and measuring method
Configuring the analog output
Threshold value