Unit should be tested at least once a year for proper operation as follows:
Voltage Output:
Verify the proper DC output voltage by measuring the DC+ and DC- terminals.
Fire Alarm Release (if used):
Verify proper operation by opening the wiring to the CONTROL IN input. Confirm that all locks on outputs controlled by the
CONTROL OUT unlock properly.
Refer to Section 2 for LED status of outputs and jumper settings to determine the cause for any abnormal condition. Each LED has the
definition of its ON or OFF state.
Warnings and Cautions
Warnings look like this:
Cautions look like this:
Notices look like this:
Directions look like this:
Warnings indicate potentially hazardous conditions, which if not
avoided or corrected, may cause death or serious injury.
Cautions indicate potentially hazardous conditions, which if
not avoided or corrected, may cause minor or moderate injury.
Cautions may also warn against unsafe practices.
Notices indicate a condition that may cause
equipment or property damage only.
Directions identify a step that may or may not
apply to your product configuration. It also may
direct you to another part of the instruction.