Setting Up Your
One: Install the SIM Card
If you received the FX2000 from your service provider,
the device manufacturer may have pre-installed the
SIM card. Please inspect the SIM slot on the back of the
device to confirm.
Use the included SIM tool to insert
a Nano 4FF SIM card into the
appropriate SIM slot on the back
of the device.
SIM tool
NOTE: If necessary, remove the SIM from its protective sleeve, being careful not
to touch the gold-colored contact points. Insert the SIM card notch first, with
the contact points facing down.
This device supports only Nano SIM cards.
Two: Power on the FX2000
Plug the power cord into the router power port and plug the power
adapter into an AC wall outlet.
WARNING: Be sure to use the power adapter that came with your device to avoid damage that
may void the warranty.
Three: Identify a Location for your FX2000
Scan the QR code to download the Inseego Mobile App
from AppStore or Google Play , or visit https://inseego.com/
inseego-connect-get-app to download the App.