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Ambystoma Labs CAT TAILER Manuel Utilisateur page 3


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Setup Guide
1. Compatible devices include the iPhone 4S &
later and Android 4.3 devices and later with
Bluetooth 4.0+.
2. Download the CAT TAILER companion app.
Search the App store or Google Play for
3. Turn Bluetooth ON.
Make sure your phone's Bluetooth is turned
ON and open the CAT TAILER app.
4. Notification and Location
Please accept the requested app permissions.
How to find your pet with CAT TAILER
CAT TAILER broadcasts its homing beacon roughly once a second. The companion smartphone
application receives this signal and will locate your CAT TAILER if it is within range. The smartphone
display reports the distance to your pet. Since the signal is only received a maximum of once a second,
you may have to wait several seconds for the application to display the distance to your pet. Similarly,
as you walk the distance measurement will update every second or so. For these reasons a slow pace
is best. Make sure to keep your smartphone awake while you look for your pet. The CAT TAILER
application will not function while the phone is asleep.
Generally, start by walking toward your pet's favorite haunts. The application will report that you are
closer to your pet. For instance, if you turn around and suddenly the distance is shorter, then that is
the direction to go. Keep in mind that buildings, hills and even people in the line of sight to the CAT
TAILER change the accuracy of the distance measurement. Once the application locates your pet
use the distance information to guide you to your pet.
Always Remember
● Pay attention to your surroundings while using the CAT TAILER application.
● Walk completely around your own home and out buildings, then proceed to look around your
5. Select the scan button
6. Name your CAT TAILER
Make sure your CAT TAILER in nearby your
device. Select and name each of your CAT
TAILER devices.
Optionally add a photo of your cat and select
notification options.
7. For more information go to: www.cattailer.com

