Setting Items Description
Firmware and Update are toggle menu choices available. Press OK on Firmware when highlighted and it will show the firmware/
software version number. CAB20v03 is the latest update. Press OK when Update is shown and the camera will read the software
update files placed on the SD card if the Firmware version number needs to be updated to a more current version. These files, along
with instructions for updating, are available at
Returns to default settings. Default settings are as follows:
English, 12H, F, 3s Delay, Photo, TLDelay 30m, 3MP, 1 Pict, Auto, Flash Long
English, French, or Spanish can be selected as camera language.
Time can be set as 12 or 24 hour. You can change the time and date when necessary, e.g., after every battery change. The time
format is hour and minute.
Temperature can be selected as Fahrenheit or Celsius.
This interval means how long the PIR will be disabled after each triggering in the ON mode. During this time, the PIR will not react
to motion. The minimum interval is 3 seconds and the maximum is 60 minutes.
If you choose format SD card, the system will delete all images and/or videos stored on the SD card. Make sure that you have a
SD Card:
backup of important data. (Highly recommended to format with new SD cards.)