Any alteration to parts carried out by a person other than someone from our technical support
All manuals and user guides at
service or without our prior agreement, may prematurely invalidate your guarantee.
It is possible that when your plancha grill is assembled, the hose clamp that controls the air
supply may not be properly regulated. This causes the gas to flow but not to light.
To adjust this, remove the cooking surface and follow this procedure:
Follow the burner concerned until you find the hose clamp at the end.
To adjust the air supply, loosen the
screw on the clamp to increase the
flow of air.*
*(The more you loosen the screw
to increase the flow of air, the
more combustion with the gas will
increase and the bluer the flame
will be).
If you want to alter the flow again
after testing your burners, wait
until they cool down.