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All manuals and user guides at ETABLI PORTATIF PORTABLE WORK STAND EINSTELLBARER KLAPP-TISCH TE990 Manuel d’utilisation Operating instructions Bedienungsanleitung...
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All manuals and user guides at
All manuals and user guides at ManUEL D’UTiLisaTiOn SOMMAIRE français --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cOnSIgnES gEnERAlES dE SEcuRItE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROtEctIOn POuR l’EnVIROnnEMEnt ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 dEScRIPtIF dE l’APPAREIl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 InStRuctIOn dE MOntAgE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 EnglISh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gEnERAl SAFEty RulES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AddItIOnAl SAFEty RulES FOR tAblE SAw ----------------------------------------------------------------- SyMbOlS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
All manuals and user guides at PrOTECTiOn DE L’EnVirOnnEMEnT le symbole de la poubelle sur roues barrée d’une croix signifie que ce produit doit faire l’objet d’une collecte sélective en fin de vie au sein de l’union européenne. cette mesure s’applique non seulement à votre appareil mais également à toute autre accessoire marqué...
All manuals and user guides at insTrUCTiOns DE MOnTagE Visserie et pièces lire complètement toutes les instructions d’assemblage avant de commencer à assembler. Consulter la liste des pièces à la page 7 pour connaître le nom et voir des illustrations des pièces. Certains composants peuvent être pré assemblées usine.
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All manuals and user guides at procédure d’installation et de repliage 1. déposer la scie du support. 2. Escamoter les extensions pour réduire la taille du chevalet. 3. Appuyer sur le bouton pression de chaque patte pour les replier sous la partie supérieure du chevalet jusqu’à...
All manuals and user guides at OPEraTing insTrUCTiOns cOntEnt EngLisH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gEnERAl SAFEty InStRuctIOnS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnVIROnMEnt PROtEctIOn --------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 dEScRIPtIOn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 ASSEMbly InStRuctIOnS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 EnglISh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gEnERAl SAFEty RulES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AddItIOnAl SAFEty RulES FOR tAblE SAw ----------------------------------------------------------------- SyMbOlS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InStAllAtIOn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
All manuals and user guides at EnVirOnMEnT PrOTECTiOn the crossed-out wheeled bin means that within the European union the product must be taken to separate collection at the product end-of-life. this applies to your device but also to any accessories marked with this symbol. do not dispose of these products as unsorted municipal waste.
All manuals and user guides at assEMbLy insTrUCTiOns Visserie et pièces read all assembly instructions completely before attempting assembly. see parts list on page 2 for names and pictures of parts. identify all components and hardware. 1. Install leg as shown in Figure 1 to top Frame and secure with 1/4» - 20 x 1-3/4» bolt and 1/4»...
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All manuals and user guides at set-up / knockdown procedure 1. Remove the saw from the work stand. 2. collapse the Extension Supports to minimum size. 3. depress the snap button on each leg and fold the leg under the top until the snap button pops into the closed position.
All manuals and user guides at bEDiEnUngsanLEiTUng InhAltSVERZEIchnIS DEUTsCH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AllgEMEInE SIchERhEItShInwEISEwEISE -------------------------------------------------------------------- uMwEltSchutZMASSnAhMEn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------17 gERÄtE-ElEMEntE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 MOntAgE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Eg-KOnFORMItÄtSERKlÄRung -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 lIStE dES PIècES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 VuE éclAtéE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 cOnFORMIté Et gARAntIE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 EnglISh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gEnERAl SAFEty RulES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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All manuals and user guides at UMWELTsCHUTZMassnaHMEn UMWELTsCHUTZMassnaHMEn gEräTE-ELEMEnTE ALS EXTRA...
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All manuals and user guides at MOnTagEanWEisUngEn Abbildung 1 lesen sie vor der montage alle montageanweisungen vollständig durch. nehmen sie die teileliste auf seite 7 zur hand und schauen sie sich die bezeichnungen und die abbildungen der teile an. bestimmte teile können werkseitig vormontiert sein. 1.
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All manuals and user guides at Abbildung 6 Abbildung 7 Abbildung 8 aufbau- und abbauverfahren 1. nehmen Sie die Säge vom untergestell ab. 2. Fahren Sie die Verlängerungen ein, um die Abmessungen des gestells zu verkleinern. 3. drücken Sie zum Einklappen der beine auf den druckknopf jedes beins, bis dieser in der verriegelten Position einrastet.
DECLArATION OF CE CONFOrMITY nous soussignés, déclarons que l’établi hiermit erklären wir, die unterzeichneten, we the undersigned hereby declare that te990 répond aux exigences des direc- dass die einstellbarer klapp-tisch te990 the portable work stand te990 meets tives européennes : den europäischen Richtlinien : 2002/95/Ec...