ADD ICE – Add ice or frozen ingredients until the total level reaches the
FROZEN INGREDIENTS line on the side of the mug. Frozen ingredients
include ice, frozen fruit, frozen yogurt, ice cream, etc.
ADD LIQUIDS – Add any combination of liquid ingredients up to the LIQUIDS
mark on the side of the mug. Liquids include any soft ingredients such as fruit,
milk, fruit juice, herbal supplements, or yogurt in any combination you think
would be tasty.
Place the blade base on the mug and turn clockwise to
Blender Express
between the mugs and the blending containers.
With the blade base firmly attached to the mug, flip the mug over and secure the
blade base onto the motor base by turning the mug clockwise.
Note: The Blender Express
blade base as well as a travel lid. The gasket provides an effective seal
between the mug and the blade base or lid. These gaskets should not be
removed. If the clear gasket becomes dislodged from the blender base or lid,
replace by setting the gasket flat onto the circular slot inside the perimeter of the
blade base (blade side up) or the lid. Holding the blade base (blade side up) or
lid with both hands, use your thumbs to lightly push the gasket down into the
circular slot of the base perimeter until it is firmly in place. Screw the mug onto
the blade base or lid to ensure the gasket is seated properly.
Pulse the mixture 2 or 3 times by turning the dial to "PULSE."
Turn the dial on the motor base to "LOW" for 15 seconds to begin blending.
Turn the dial to "HIGH" until the ingredients are completely mixed. . Note:
After running the motor continuously for ninety seconds, wait at least three
minutes before running the motor again.
To make a thicker smoothie, add more frozen ingredients.
To make a thinner smoothie, add more liquid ingredients.
Plus, you can use both blade bases, interchangeably,
includes a small, clear gasket inside the rim of the
Note: For the