Low pass fi lter IN switch - The IN
switch next to the low pass control
knob inserts the low pass fi lter into the
signal path, post input-gain and pre
output-trim control. The switch's yellow
LED illuminates to show that the LP fi lter
is active.
Phase reverse Ø switch - When this
switch is selected, the signal phase is
reversed by 180°. The switch's green LED
illuminates to show that Ø reverse is on.
High pass fi lter control - This knob
adjusts the high-pass fi lter frequency in
the range 10 Hz to 400 Hz (-3 dB points).
Starting at 10 Hz, turn the control
gradually clockwise to remove any
unwanted low frequency content.
High pass fi lter IN switch - The IN
switch next to the high-pass control
knob inserts the high pass fi lter into the
signal path, post input-gain and pre
output-trim control. The switch's yellow
LED illuminates to show that the HP fi lter
is active.
TX switch - When this switch is selected,
the twin aux balanced output is enabled
if the module is fi tted in a Midas L6,
L10 or compatible 500 series rack,
equipped with a balanced aux output
XLR. This gives active mic/line splitter
capability. The main output is not aff ected
by the TX switch. The twin aux output
should not be selected if used in a 500
series rack that is not equipped with a
suitable balanced aux output connector.
(Please check the module pin out if
uncertain.) The TX switch's green LED
illuminates when the twin aux output
is enabled.
Rotary output level meter - The
precision 11-segment peak-reading rotary
output meter has a range from -20 dBu to
+20 dBu in 4 dB steps. The meter reads the
output signal level to allow precise setting
of the output trim control.
Output trim control - This rotary
output trim potentiometer gives precise
control of the output signal level. It has
a range of +/- 20 dB with a 0 dB centre.
When used in conjunction with the input
gain control, the total maximum gain is
+80 dB, more than enough for low level
ribbon microphones etc. In addition,
the output trim control can be used to
control colouration, the mic input gain
can be increased to take advantage of
the overload tolerant Midas mic amp,
the output trim can be turned down to
prevent the output level running too high.
Quick Start Guide