Aquarium Care Guide
Goldfish Starter Kit
We are pleased that you have decided to explore the aquatic hobby. Keeping
fish is relaxing and a source of endless fascination for the whole family. We
want your experience with this aquarium to be a positive one. Before you
rush off to fill the tank, we strongly urge you to read the following before
First things first
Make sure you are placing your tank on a level, sturdy surface, away from
any electrical equipment, direct sunlight, drafts, heat sources or high traffic
Thoroughly rinse aquarium with fresh water. NEVER USE SOAP on anything
being placed in the aquarium.
Rinse gravel thoroughly in a bucket or fine colander to remove any
Putting it all together
Attach the background to the outside of your aquarium (See installing your
Spread the gravel in the bottom of the tank, sloping it from the front up to the
back, to give the illusion of depth and to help collect debris
at the front.
Now start to fill with water. At about halfway, insert
the plastic plant into the gravel and continue filling.
Add the correct dose of Nutrafin Aqua Plus Tap
Water Conditioner to remove chlorine or other
harmful metals found in tap water. Add the correct
dose of Nutrafin Cycle Biological Aquarium Supplement
to reduce dangerous levels of ammonia and nitrite in the
Remove aquarium cover (it snaps off when opened fully). (ill. A)
Rinse filter and media cartridge with water before installation.
Hang the filter with the rim clip inside the aquarium in one of the three (3)
designated openings on the aquarium rim.
Note: For models Cool 7 and Cool 10, the filter can only be hung in the center
opening on the aquarium rim. (ill.B)
IMPORTANT: Please refer to manual included with the internal filter for
complete installation and operation instructions.
Replace cover. To snap cover back in place, line up hinge clips and gently push
cover onto clips until they 'click' into place. (ill.C)
Introducing your fish
Do not add fish immediately.
Wait 3-4 days before introducing fish so that the water temperature
has a chance to stabilize. Let the pet store personnel guide you in your
fish choice, but limit yourself to maximum three (3) fish.
Consider starting off with only one (1) fish until your tank
is established. Purchase small fish (they grow), and
only select species like goldfish that do not require
heated water.
Acclimatize fish before introducing it into the
aquarium. Simply float the bag in the aquarium to
regulate water temperature in the bag and reduce
the risk of stressing your fish. It is not recommended to
pour the water from the bag into your aquarium. You can
use a net to remove the fish from the bag, or pour out the water into a bucket
while holding the net underneath to remove the fish without stressing or
damaging fins and scales.
Feeding your Fish
Once your fish has been introduced to the tank, avoid
feeding it for 24 hours.
Feed Nutrafin Max Goldfish Food, starting with two
(2) or three (3) flakes or pellets per fish, several times
a day rather than one big meal. Goldfish will eat all
they need in about two (2) minutes. If any food is left
over, remove it with a net (uneaten food rots down and
pollutes the water).
For this reason, be sure that children are assisted or monitored when feeding
fish, and that the food is stored in a place that is not readily accessible.
Maintaining your Tank
Cleaning Tips
Never completely empty your aquarium to clean it. It
will stress your fish and disturb the natural balance
of the aquarium.
IMPORTANT: Do not rinse your foam media with
tap water. Rinse it with water from your aquarium.
This way, you will not wash away the beneficial
bacteria that have established in the foam, and your
tank's biological balance will not have to start over from
scratch. You can rinse your filter unit (minus foam) with tap water to clean
off any sludge or deposits. Same applies to any other elements that need to
be cleaned in your aquarium.
Only put your hands in the tank when absolutely necessary - the oils on
your hands can harm your fish. Don't use perfume, hand cream etc. before
putting your hands in the water.