1. On / OFF Key:
Switching the projector on and off.
2. A1 key:
Selection of automatic mode 1 then choice of color using the Color- and
Color + keys
3. A2 key:
Select automatic mode 2 then adjust the scrolling speed using the
Speed - and Speed + keys.
4. A3 key:
Selection of automatic mode 3 then choice of program using the Color-
and Color + buttons. Adjusting the scrolling speed using the Speed - and
Speed + buttons.
5. A4 key:
Selection of automatic mode 4 then choice of program using the Color-
and Color + buttons.
6. A5 key:
Selection of automatic mode 5 then choice of program using the Color-
and Color + buttons. Adjust the speed of the Strobe using the Speed -
and Speed + buttons.
7. DMX- and DMX + buttons:
Setting of the starting DMX address of the projector.
8. IP- and IP + buttons:
Setting the IP code of the projector.
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