The displays shows the voltage on the left (5 digits) and the current on the right (4 digits) for both
the main outputs. These 7-segment displays are also used to show prompts during the some of
the function settings (e.g. memory store/recall or remote control address setting) using the limited
'character set' that can be achieved with a 7-segment display; these are necessarily a mixture of
upper and lower case letters.
Above and below the 7-segment display are several secret-until-lit annunciators. To the right,
above the current display, are the indicators which show the selected operating range:
35V/3A, 15V/5A or 35V/500mA; the indicators light beneath the range printed immediately above
them and, in the case of the 35V/500mA range, the indicator is marked mA to emphasise that the
current display is now showing mA. The other annunciators above the displays are:
CI, indicating that the instrument is in constant current mode; LIM, which flashes when the
VIEW V/I LIMITS key is pressed to show the set voltage/set current limit in the display; REM,
which lights when the instrument is under control from a remote interface (XDL 35-5TP only).
Below the three least significant digits of both the voltage and current displays are the JOG
indicators; the appropriate indicator flashes when the jog function is being used, see the Jog
Control section above.