The ALDEN SPS regulators have been designed based on high technology knowledge. Compatible with any type of
battery, these regulators are most adapted for leisure vehicles. Robust and reliable, they are guaranteed two years.
Special functions:
- Two battery outputs : the first for the cell-battery, the second for the start-battery. The intensity assigned to the start-
battery is always low and its only purpose is to keep the battery loaded when the vehicle is not used. (I = 0 to 1.5 A).
- 'Quick' function : This function stops the battery from over loading. The charge will start again when the battery load
- Controlled use : Thanks to continuous measures, the inner circuits checks the voltage of the batteries. The regulators
deliver a pre-definded voltage depending on various parameters over a certain period of time and will then maintain
the load of the battery at this level: this will avoid sulphatation which could damage the battery and weaken it.
- Filters : Inner filters allow other sources to load at the same time.
- Indicator leds : Two leds indicate the charge and the level of charge. These leds can be switched on at the same time,
which means that the battery is almost full but continues to load.
As soon as there is enough sunlight, the battery starts to load. The green light comes on. The inner circuits chooses the
appropriate voltage. In some cases, it lets the tension go up to 14.2 Volts (limits gas formation). It authorizes a quicker
load as well as an improvement of the battery capacity, while decreasing sulphating. Once this is done, the tension
delivered to the battery is kept at a «normal» charge of 13.8 Volts. If the charge decreases a little, recharging will be done
«normally». On the other hand, if the discharge is more important or if the tension goes under 11.6 Volts, the battery will
be reloaded up to 14.2 Volts. We advise the installation of Accuprotect® to avoid deep discharges.
- Connect the cables from the panel to the input of the regulator.
: the cables from the panel must never touch each other.
- If you have an installation with several panels, connect them in parallel.
- Use 2.5 to 5 mm2 cables depending on their length.
- Install the regulator as close as possible to the battery.
- Using a 10 Amp. fuse, connect the +12V output directly to the + of the cell-battery.
- Connect the '-' output directly to the earth of the vehicle.
Start battery (optional):
Using a 3 Amp. fuse, connect 'start +' directly to the '+' of the start battery. (2.5 mm2 cable).
Temperature sensor (optional) :
Connect the cables of the Temp. Sensor to the corresponding inputs (
Solar display (optional) :
Connect the Solar Display to the corresponding input (
: Do not connect whilst under voltage.
: you must install a 10 Amp. fuse on the '+' line between the regulator and the cell-battery.
: you must install a 3 Amp. fuse on the 'start +' line between the regulator and the start-battery.
Global information
How to use the regulator
ALDEN SPS 130 AGM - 080429 - 4