The hotCHOC spray gun has been designed specifically to spray a mixture
of 50% chocolate and 50% cocoa butter at a temperature range of 29°C
- 35°C / 84°F - 95°F.
The power settings and the nozzle & piston sizes enable a thin layer of
material to be sprayed, whilst benefitting from reduced overspray or noise,
compared to other sprayers and air brush systems. Additional features such
as insulation and a heating unit are integrated to slow down cooling.
Working with different materials and temperatures than those
recommended may affect the performance. More information relating to
the sprayers recommended usage is provided below.
Nominal output
Delivery Rate*
Viscosity Rate*
Container Capacity
Weight Approx.
Sound Level**
*Based on 50% tempered chocolate, 50% cocoa butter at circa 31°C / 88°F.
** Average, based on approximately 2 meters´ distance and height.
3. GETTING STARTED - Tips & Tricks
BEFORE STARTING: please ensure that the container is at least 50% full.
Do not use the hotCHOC without material or spray until completely empty.
This avoids creating unnecessary noise & vibration and prevents splatter.
Always use clean material that is free of particles.
The hotCHOC is designed to spray only pure fluids. Please avoid materials
containing seeds or any type of particles as they may restrict piston
movement and shorten the sprayer´s life. In case of doubt regarding any
particles, filtering the material is recommended.
40 W
120 - 200 g/min
20 - 28 DIN/sec
550 ml
1.3 kg
75 dB