Signal clipping
Only differential input signals are detected by the probe and displayed by
the base unit. Common mode signals are suppressed by the probe. There-
fore, the user does not initially recognize that the operating voltage window
is exceeded owing to inadmissible common mode voltages. If unexpected
clipping occurs, check the positive or negative input voltage relative to
In addition, measuring the common mode input voltage using the R&S Pro-
beMeter is a convenient way to detect breaches of the operating voltage
window owing to excess DC common mode voltages.
Maximum Non-Destructive Input Voltage
The maximum non-destructive input voltage of a differential probe is also speci-
fied as the maximum voltage between each signal pin and ground.
Maximum input voltage
The maximum input voltage is ±30 V between each signal socket and the
ground socket. A higher input voltage may destroy the probe.
The maximum input voltage is derated for higher frequencies. Refer to the
R&S RT‑Z data sheet for further information.
Ground Connection
It is typically not necessary to connect the ground socket of the probe to the
ground of the DUT, as long as the DUT itself is grounded. If the ground of the
DUT is floating (such as in the case of battery operation), high static potentials
between the DUT ground and the probe ground can result in the operating volt-
User Manual 1410.5363.02 ─ 03
Characteristics of Differential Probes
Maximum Non-Destructive Input Voltage