The use of electromagnetic energy, in
the form
of high frequency and very low
intensity pulsed magnetic fields, to
stimulate tissue regeneration.
It is believed that the fundamental
principle through which
pulsed magnetic fields HF exert
beneficial effects
is to restore order to a sector
presumably in magnetic disorder. The
HF pulsed magnetic fields also have
an action that favors
tissue repair processes
and stimulate the natural organic
defenses. Based on the biological
effects, the healing action of
magnetic fields can be summarized in
two main points of attack:
-antiflogistics and anti-edema
- stimulating tissue repair processes
The purpose of pulsed HF magnetic
fields is to recharge and regenerate
cells lacking vital energy.
The pulsed HF magnetic fields applied
with this apparatus,
they are particularly effective in the
• action on collagen;
• vasodilation,
• improvement of skin and
connective tissue metabolism.
Let's spend a few words to better
clarify the difference
between low frequency (BF) and high
frequency (HF) magnetotherapy, since
we have been able to see that around
there is a lot of confusion in this
regard: many believe that
the difference between low frequency
and high frequency magnetotherapy is
due to the fact
that the former work with magnetic
fields having maximum frequencies
between 200
Hz and about 500 Hz while the latter
reach higher frequencies, up to 3000 -
5000 Hz and beyond; others consider
BF the magneto that work with the
frequency of the electrical network (50
Hz) while the others work with
magnetic fields at a "higher" frequency,
typically from 100 to over 2000 Hz.
Let's say immediately that all these
devices are to be considered however
low frequency, as the distinction
between BF systems and HF systems
is much deeper and more radical. It is
meant by magnetotherapy
in Low Frequency any device that
generates a variable alternating
current having a frequency of variation
between a few Hertz and a few
thousand Hertz and in which the
alternating current thus generated is
sent directly to the magnetic diffuser
(usually a sort of transformer or ring
with many coils of conductor wire)
intended to transform the alternating
current into an alternating magnetic
field having the same frequency as the
current that generates it, and to
radiate the
magnetic field thus obtained on the
parts of the body to be treated. As can
be seen, in BF devices the alternating
current is sent "directly" to the diffuser
which transforms it into a magnetic
field. In devices operating at high
frequency there is an extra step and
the subject changes completely. First of
all, there are two frequency generators:
one that generates one
"Carrier" at frequencies ranging from 5 -
6 Mhz (millions of Hz) up and destined
to be sent to the magnetic field
diffuser, and another that generates a
series of lower frequencies (the same
as the BF devices) that they range from
a few Hz to several thousand Hz; the
latter are used for
"Modulate" the high frequencies
radiated by the speaker. The final result
is a series of pulses
very short high frequency
(about 100 microseconds in duration)
emitted by the generator
of HF and which are repeated at the
frequency established by the BF
generator which in the case of our
device can go, depending on the
selected therapy, from
1 Hz to 40000 Hz (40 Khz).
In essence, the high frequency is used
to convey the low frequencies useful in
therapy into the tissues. The high
frequency has a capacity of penetration
into the tissues considerably higher
than the low frequency, so it is possible
to use very low powers to obtain a
remarkable effectiveness. Usually in BF
devices there is also the GAUSS
control, that is the intensity of the
magnetic field that
it can even reach a few hundred
Gausses. This intensity must be
carefully adjusted so as not to exceed
the recommended values. In devices in