• If the distance between the timer and
valve is 300m2 or less then 1mm thick
connection wire is suitable. For added
protection, the wires can be pulled
through and buried with PVC pipe. Be
careful to not bury wires in locations
where they can be damaged by digging
or trenching in the future.
• Each valve has two wires. One wire
is to be connected as the common.
The common wires for all the valves can be connected together to one
common wire going to the timer. The other valve wire is to be connected
to the specifi c station wire that will control that valve
• All wires should be joined together using wire nuts, solder, or vinyl
tape. For additional protection, use WaterMaster grease cap to water-
proof connections
• To avoid electrical hazards, only one valve should be connected to
each station (Note: Only one wire can be installed into each terminal.
If more than two common wires are used in your system, splice several
together so only one wire runs into each of the COM terminals. Protect
the splice connection with a wire nut.)
RAIN s.p.a.
via Kennedy 38/40
20023 Cerro Maggiore