Coin Toss
The game can be played by 2 players or 2 teams of up to 4
players on each team. A washer toss can determine which
player or team starts first and chooses which Target and
washer color to start with. The first player or team tosses 4
washers. The opposing player or team then tosses 4 washers.
The player or team that earned the most points for that round
All washers must be tossed underhand. Each player must stand
behind the Toss Line when tossing a washer. If a player's foot
crosses the Toss Line when tossing a washer, his / her points for that
toss are not counted and the player misses that turn. Players must
not try to distract or interfere with the player tossing a washer.
Standard Scoring Method
A washer must land in the Target Box to earns points. 3 points in the
Target Cup and 1 point in the Target Box. A washer straddling the
Target Cup is considered landing in the Target Box and earns 1
point. All other areas earn 0 points.
3 Points
1 Point
Optional Scoring Method
A washer that lands in a Target Cup earns three points. A washer
landing in a Target Box but not in the Target Cup earns one point. If a
washer straddles a Target Cup but does not fall into the Cup, it earns
one point. If a washer lands on the rim of the Target Box, it does not
earn any points. If a player's washer knocks another washer into the
Target Cup or into the Target Box, the knocked in washer gains the
appropriate point count.
Adult supervision is required at all times
when children are playing. Being struck
by a thrown object can cause serious injury.
Ver. 10/16.1
The size of the Traditional Washer Toss Court is 20 feet from
Target to Target. Measure the distance from the front of each target
and mark the Toss Lines. For children's play the distance from Target
to Target can be set to accommodate the children's age group and
tossing abilities. Adult supervision is strongly recommended for
children's play and when children are watching adults play.
No Points
Optional Scoring
1 Point
No Points
Traditional Washer Toss
Court Layout
20 feet
starts the next round. Both players or teams move to the
opposite Target. Play continues until one player or team
reaches exactly 21 points after all 8 washers have been
tossed in any one round and all points have been tallied.
Canceling Points for the Optional Scoring Method
If a player's washer lands in a Target Cup or Target Box
and an opponent's washer lands in the same Target
area, neither washer earns points. If 2 or more wash-
ers, tossed by the same player or team, land in a
Target Cup or Target Box, each washer tossed into the
same Target area by an opponent cancels one of the
first player's or team's washers. Points are only count-
ed for the remaining washers not matched by an oppo-
nent's washers either in the Target Cup or in the Target
Box. Only the highest scoring player or team earns
points for that round.
Winning the Game
If the first player or team reaches exactly 21 points in a
round, the opposing player or team must be allowed to
take its turn. If a player or team goes over 21 points in
a round, all the points earned for that round by that
player or team are canceled. The opposing player or
team wins that round and starts the next round. In the
event of a tie, the game goes into "sudden death" mode
and the player or team that earns points in the complet-
ed "sudden death" round wins the game. Rounds are
only completed when all 8 washers have been tossed.
This product is warranted to be free from defects in material and work-
manship for a period of 90 days from date of purchase. Should any
evidence of defects in material and/or workmanship appear within the
Limited Warranty period, manufacturer will either replace or repair the
product at its option. This warranty covers normal consumer use and
does not cover failure which results from alteration, accidents, misuse,
abuse or neglect. An original receipt will be required before warranty
performance can be rendered. Requests for return authorization should
be sent to: Blue Wave Products, 1745 Wallace Ave.,St. Charles, IL
60174. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have
other rights which may vary by state.
For replacement parts, further warranty information
Coin Toss
Parts List
Tossing Washer (red)
Tossing Washer (blue)
or inquiries, please call 800-759-0977