There is a 2 year guarantee for our products, applicable from date of purchase.
Within the prescribed warranty time we will remove all defects of the device, that are
based on faulty material or manufacture. Removal of defect occurs at our choice by
either repair or replacement of parts or the entire device.
Exempt from warranty are: Defects caused by inappropriate use (f. ex. connection
to inappropriate electrical current or voltage, connection to inappropriate sources of
electricity, breakage by fall and such). Normal wear and tear that only minimally a ects
the operational utility of the unit is not subject to the warranty.
Warranty subsides if unauthorized intervention or repair is undertaken, or if non-original
parts are used.
In the case of a warranty claim please forward the product with the original receipt to
one of our service partners or directly to the hofmann gmbh.
No other claims are valid under the provisions of this warranty, unless our liability is
based on legal statue. Claims against the dealer based on the provision of the purchase
agreement do not a ect this warranty.