● Do not ride in the rain.
● Look out for doors, elevators and other overhead obstacles.
● Do not accelerate when you go downhill.
● Do not press the accelerator when you're walking alongside the scooter
● Always steer clear of obstacles.
● Do not hang bags or other heavy stuff on the handlebar.
● Keep both feet on the deck all time.
● Keep your speed between 3.1-6.2 mph when you ride through speed bumps, elevator
door sills, bumpy roads or other uneven surfaces. Slightly bend your knee to better adjust
mentioned surfaces.
● Do not ride in traffic lanes or residential areas where vehicles and pedestrians are both
● Do not turn the handlebar violently during high-speed riding
● Do not ride in a ponding that is higher than 0.78 inches
● Do not ride with anyone else, including children