There are over 10,000 known species of birds in the world
today. They live and breed on all seven continents and thrive
in diverse climates ranging from the tropics to Antarctica.
They are such a natural part of our environment that we often
take them for granted. That is why Thomas Poulsom's work
is so fascinating. He encourages us to take a new look at
something we know well, and while doing so proves—yet
again—that almost anything can be built from LEGO
"As a child I absolutely loved playing with LEGO bricks. I still
remember the very first LEGO set my mum bought me when I
was seven years old."
"As often happens, my LEGO bricks were put aside when I
became a teenager. It was only after seeing a friend's children
playing with their LEGO sets that I decided to rescue my old
LEGO bricks from the attic. That's when I became an adult
LEGO builder!"
"I started off creating all sorts of cars and vehicles. Then one
day, while I was in the garden, I started to think about what
else I could build with LEGO bricks. At that very moment a robin
landed on the handle of my spade. It was a true eureka moment:
I thought, 'That's it! I'm going to build that in LEGO bricks.'"
"I've always had an interest in the natural world, especially
birds. I think they are incredible creatures. I enjoy the
challenge of building them in LEGO bricks, trying to give them
real character and bring them to life in bricks."
"I was amazed at the response when I posted them online;
my birds started flying all around the world on the Internet!
And now, thanks to LEGO Ideas, they are a real LEGO set.
"My goal is to continue building birds: a series from each
continent of the world, then one dedicated to flightless birds
and another to extinct birds. I hope to exhibit them all over the
world to show kids and adults that there's more to this world
than they think."
Thomas Poulsom—Bristol, England