Fans are designed to operate with simple on/off switches, or can be wired into sophisticated controls. Some fan models are designed to
run at variable speed while others are single speed only. Varying a single speed fan will cause the motor to fail.
Fan labels should indicate whether or not fan is variable speed. If unsure contact a Canarm representative with the fan model number at
our head office.
louvers a mInImum of 1" to ensure ProPer motor coolIng and Prevent Premature
motor faIlure.
These fans are used in a variety of applications and therefore maintenance schedules will vary. In general, no more than 1/16" of dirt
build-up should occur on blade, motor, guard, and louvers for proper fan operation and to prevent premature failure. The complete fan
should be washed down on a regular basis to maintain the high efficiency of the fan. Particular care should be taken to clean louvers, fan
blades front and back, and front guards for better air moving performance. The motor should be kept clean to prevent overheating and
premature failure. As with all mechanical equipment scheduled inspections should include checking that all hardware is secure and blade
set screws are tight. We suggest as a minimum, that this be done after every grow out, in livestock applications.
motors are eQuIPPed WIth automatIc overload ProtectIon and may restart
WIthout WarnIng. alWays dIsconnect PoWer before attemPtIng to servIce.
Belt drive fans are equipped with an automatic belt tensioner. The rotary tensioner will compensate for any wear or stretching of the belt.
No adjustments should be necessary. Belt will however wear after extensive use. Fan performance will be sacrificed if worn belt is used.
Listen for belt "squeeling" on startup. This would indicate that the belt requires changing or tightening. Tightening can be done by moving
the screw location on the tensioner bracket. (see figure 4) (Although we recommend replacing the belt).
lubrication: Belt drive fans are provided with bearing blocks that are pre-lubricated & sealed. They have a double contact seal and steel
slinger that prevents most contamination. However, since the bearings are to operate in very damp and dirty conditions, re-lubrication is
recommended. The grease fitting of the unit should be carefully cleaned before use and the grease should be introduced slowly. Under
normal conditions, the bearings only need re-lubrication every 3 years. Nonetheless, we recommend that each bearing receive one pump
from a grease gun (or until fresh grease is pushed out), every time the unit is washed down (especially if detergent is used.)
note: Use NLGI2 lithium base grease to ensure compatibility with original grease.
cautIon: do not use pneumatic grease guns. slowly introduce grease with manual gun, otherwise bearing seals
will be destroyed.
m0017_Plf serIes_06_13_2022
varIable sPeed fans should have the mInImum sPeed set to oPen the fan
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