CX12 R receives and demodulates the transmitter signal and forwards it to the 4 digital and 1 analog outputs. Transmitter signals are
only accepted when the address matches with a previously learned one. Furthermore 2 outputs may control LED´s to show to the user
functionality and status of the transmitters battery. As long as valid data are received the corresponding outputs remain activated.
Incoming OFF-signals deactivate immediately the assigned output. Due to distortions it may occur in rare cases that the receiver do not
understand the OFF-signal. In this case outputs will be switched off after a
delay of about 1.5 s.
CX-12 R may learn up to 60 different transmitter addresses. With the help of
several different learn modes whole transmitters or single keys can be
learned with or without acknowledgement.
In order to obtain a maximum of safety you may change over to a second
working frequency if the first frequency channel is disturbed by another radio
After received data or power-on CX-12 R keeps continuous working for a
period of 10 minutes. Then, in order to save energy, a clocked operation
starts. That is why the next reception may be retarded up to 1s. If this delay
is undesirable the clocked operation may be disabled.
Pin description (see adjacent figure)
Pin 1
Input for selection of automatic clocked operation or continuous working
Solder strap A connects pin 1 permanently to GND
Solder strap B open:
Solder strap B closed:
Pin 2
Input to activate the Learn- or Erase mode
Initial state for selecting the learn- or erase mode is the normal receiving mode. The CX-12 R returns from learn- or erase mode to normal
receiving mode if a valid signal has been received, or if pin 2 is connected to GND, or if the learn- and erase mode is already active more than
Transmitters learned in a specific learn mode will be configured in a specific way. Previous transmitter configurations will be
Learn mode I – GND, 1x short (<1s):
Learn mode II – GND, 2x short (<1s):
Learn mode III – GND, 3x short (<1s):
Learn mode IV – GND, 4x short (<1s):
Erase mode I – GND, 1x long (>3s):
Erase mode II – GND, 2x long (>3s):
Pin 3
Output to control a LED (low active)
Normal receive mode:
Selection learn mode I:
Selection learn mode II:
Selection learn mode III:
Selection learn mode IV:
Selection erase mode I:
Pin 4
Output D4
Digital output goes high with the ON information of the transmitter and switches to low immediately after reception of the OFF information. In
case of missing OFF information while no more data are received the output remains at high level for another 1.5s (delay)
Pin 5
Output D3
same as output D4 (Pin4)
Pin 6
Analog value output
Output of the received analog value from the transmitter (value between +U and GND, Resolution 10bit, filtered PWM signal Ri=56 kOhm)
Pin 7
F2_SEL input to fix the working frequency
+U or open:
Pin 8
Output D2
same as output D4 (Pin4)
Pin 9
Output D1
same as output D4 (Pin4)
+U or open:
+U or open:
Learn transmitter – Communication with acknowledgement – The corresponding transmitter will be
configured automatically
Learn single key – Communication with acknowledgement – The corresponding transmitter will be
configured automatically
Learn transmitter – Communication without acknowledgement – The corresponding transmitter will
be configured automatically. This feature is only compatible to transmitters from Version V xx.20.
Learn single key – Communication without acknowledgement – The corresponding transmitter will be
configured automatically. This feature is only compatible to transmitters from Version V xx.20.
Erase all list entries of the corresponding transmitter.
Erase the whole list of learned transmitters. The CX-12 R returns automatically to the normal receive
Flashes for each data package received (twice for low U+ or U
Light interrupts 1x every 2s
Light interrupts 2x every 2s
Light interrupts 3x every 2s
Light interrupts 4x every 2s
Flashes permanently
Frequency 1 (433.62 MHz)
Frequency 2 (434.22 MHz)
Clocked operation starts 10 minutes after power on or the last received data package
Receiver is set to continuous work
Continuous clocked operation
Clocked operation starts 10 minutes after power on or the last received data package
- 6 -
pin 12