OJ GreenZone™ Module M
English / Instruction
If no Modbus temperature sensor is connected to the connector marked "H", the
PT1000 sensor connected to this input ("L") will automatically be configured as an
exhaust/room sensor.
If a Modbus temperature sensor is connected to the connector marked "H", the PT1000
sensor connected to this input ("L") will automatically be configured as an inlet sensor.
Connector "M" – Temperature offset (°C) (see figs 3 and 11)
OJ GreenZone™ Module M is equipped with an inlet for the connection of a control unit
for user-determined offset in room temperature (see figs 3 and 11). Via the web user-
interface, the temperature offset can be set to either +/-3 °C or +/-5 °C.
The ETFWP-998 temperature offset potentiometer is a standard product from OJ Elec-
tronics which has both PT1000 room sensor and potentiometer.
If an alternative potentiometer is used, the potentiometer resistance must be min. 4.7
kΩ and max. 22 kΩ.
Connector "N" – Window contact, frostalarm and PIR sensor (see fig. 3)
OJ GreenZone™ Module M is equipped with digital inputs for the connection of window
contact, frost thermostat and PIR sensor. On the overview diagram (fig. 3), the input
terminals are marked "N".
Frost thermostat
The frost thermostat should be attached physically to the heating element. Suitable
thermostats are Danfoss type KP61, Thermokon type TFR or TFR-R, or similar ther-
mostat with bulb or capillary tube. The bulb or capillary tube should be attached to the
heating element in the air flow on the hot side of the element. If the frost thermostat is
activated (digital input opens), the installed heating valve will be forced to open 100 %.
The frost thermostat should be connected electrically as shown in fig. 12. The NC
contact of the frost thermostat should be used so that the input is active when there is
no danger of frost. The input is factory-equipped with a jumper.
Window contact
The window contact should be physically attached to the window or windows to be
monitored. If several windows are to be monitored, the window contacts should be con-
nected in series. If the windows are opened (the window contact is opened), the heating
and cooling valves will be forcibly closed.
The window contact(s) should be electrically connected as shown in
fig. 20. The NO contact of the window contact(s) should be used so that the input is ac-
tive when the window(s) is(are) closed. The input is factory-equipped with a jumper.
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