• 1 apple
• Large chunk ginger to taste
(2/3 thumb size bits)
Juice the apple and ginger and pour this
into a bottle of sparkling mineral water
(you will have to drink some water first
to make room for the juice).
This ginger beer is so much better than
shop bought which is usually packed with
sugar, alcohol or both.
• ¼ pineapple
• 1 apple
• ½ grapefruit (peeled but leave as much
pith as possible)
• 1 raw unpeeled beetroot
• ½ peeled lime
• 125 ml coconut water
Juice everything add the coconut water
then make up to 1 litre with mineral water.
Lighter than a juice as its diluted with
mineral water so it helps to flush the
system of impurities. Grapefruit breaks
down and shifts inorganic calcium from
the joints and stimulates digestion.
Coconut milk is an excellent source of
protein, calcium and iron.
• 2 apples
• ¼ pineapple
• Large handful spinach
• Large handful mangetout
• Broccoli stem
• 2 sticks celery
Mangetout is an excellent source of folic acid
essential for cell DNA synthesis and vitamin
K for bone growth and for reducing the
effects of Alzeimers.
• 2 firm tomatoes
• 2 celery stalks
• ½ cucumber
• ½ courgette
• ½ green pepper
• 1 broccoli stalk
• 1 large carrot
• Large handful of any leafy greens
(spinach. kale, cabbage, lettuce)
Juice and add sea salt, ground black pepper,
chilli powder or cayenne pepper to taste.
Perfect for people who prefer a more
savoury or spicy juice.
• 2 cups watermelon of choice
(no need to peel or remove seeds)
• Large handful of kale
• 1 large cucumber
• 1 stalk celery
• 6/7 fresh mint leaves
• ½ waxfree unpeeled lime
Pack the melon into the bottom of the
chute and juice on the slow speed first,
then add the remaining ingredients and
juice on high.
This rejuvenating juice cools the body
and is the perfect fusion of summer flavours.
Cleanses the kidneys and purifies the skin.
• 2 apples
• 2 carrots
• 4 sprigs of each of the following:
• Fresh Coriander
• Fresh basil
• Fresh mint
• ½ peeled lime
Squeeze the herbs together in your hand
and pack tightly with the lime between
the 2 apples. Juice everything. Pour over
ice and enjoy.
Coriander is a rich source of vitamin K
which is important for promoting bone
growth and limiting neurone damage in
the brain. This juice is packed with minerals
including potassium and calcium.
• 1 apple
• 1 pear
• 2 sticks celery
• ½ Grapefruit (peeled but leave
as much pith as possible)
• Small bunch of fresh mint for juicing
• Chopped fresh mint to serve.
Pack the mint and grapefruit between the
apple and pear and juice. Juice the celery.
Pour over ice and sprinkle chopped mint
on top.
The celery, apple and pear help to cleanse
the subcutaneous tissues and the grapefruit
helps to unclog the lymphatic system.
• ¼ pineapple
• 2 apples
• ¼ red pepper
• ¼ green pepper
• ¼ yellow pepper
• ¼ orange pepper
• ½ cucumber
Juice the lot.
Peppers are fruits and they all start life
green, the different colours are just different
stages of ripeness. You can use one whole
pepper of your choice if you don't have
different ones. They are packed with silicon
which is great for skin, hair and nails.