Environment, Guarantee, Tips
Separate collection. This product must
not be disposed of with normal household
waste. When your Exact PipeCut machine
is worn out, do not dispose of it with normal
household waste. This product must be recycled
separately. Separate recycling of used products and
packaging facilitate recycling and recovery of
materials. Reusing of recycled materials helps
prevent pollution of environment. According to local
regulations it is possible to deliver household
appliances to municipal rubbish depositories or to
the dealer when buying a new product.
If the Exact PipeCut pipe saw becomes unusable
due to material or manufacturing faults within 24
months of the date of purchase, we will replace the
damaged parts with new ones or supply an entirely
new or factory-reconditioned pipe saw to replace
the damaged one.
The guarantee is only valid if:
The guarantee card or a dated purchase receipt is
returned to the manufacturer or retailer.
The pipe saw has not been misused.
No attempt has been made by non-approved persons
to repair the saw.
The pipe saw has been used in accordance with
these operating, safety, and servicing instructions.
The guarantee does not apply to blades or the
overload protection.
Tips for using Exact PipeCut
Diamond blade should only be used for cutting cast
iron pipe. It is not recommended to cut cast iron with
TCT or Cermet blades.
Clean the inside of the blade guards after cutting
plastic pipe.
Smaller pipe is easily cut by rotating the pipe by
hand either on a table or on the floor. Please note:
rotate pipe towards you when rotating by hand and
be careful not to rotate too fast.
Check the condition of the blade regularly.
The cutting procedure is divided into two stages;
first saw through the pipe wall, then complete the
cut by sawing around it.
Do not overload the saw by cutting continuously.
The saw will be overheated and the metal parts can
become burning hot. This will also damage the motor
and the blade. The rule is 2.5 minutes in use and
7.5 minutes rest.
Keep the feeding speed constant. This will extend
the lifetime of the blade.For example cutting time
for a steel pipe diameter of 6'' (170mm), and a wall
thickness of 1/5'' (5mm), is 15-20 seconds, and for
a cast-iron pipe diameter of 4'' (110mm), with a wall
thickness of 1/6'' (4mm) is 20 to 25 seconds.
Always keep the motor unit in the upright position.
The yellow mark of the unlock button is then visible.
Never place the Pipe Cut Saw on the pipe in the
locked / cutting position.
Factors that affect the lifetime of the saw blade:
• material of the pipe
• correct blade type for material being cut
• correct motor speed setting
• wall thickness of the pipe
• feeding speed
• smoothness of the pipe
• user's general skills
• cleanness of the pipe
• rust on the pipe
• welded seam in the pipe
• blade speed
Factors that affect the straightness of the cut:
• condition of the saw blade
• wall thickness of the pipe
• feeding speed
• smoothness of the feed
• user's general skills
• cleanness of the pipe
• roundness of the pipe
• gripper unit too loose or too tight
• blade assembled too tight
Due to continuous product development, the
information in this instruction book may change.
We do not give separate notification of changes.
e n g l i s h