Replacement sensors are shipped with a metal spring installed between the electrodes. Do not remove the
clip unti l the sensor is to be installed into the monitor.
SteP 1)
Disconnect all external connecti ons.
Remove CO monitor from the unit.
SteP 4)
Remove sensor from sensor cup and remove leads. Take the
new sensor and remove the metal spring. Reatt ach leads to
the proper colored terminals on the new sensor. Install new
sensor into sensor cup.
SenSor rePlAcement
SteP 2)
Remove the four screws from the
monitor's left endplate.
SteP 3)
Remove endplate to gain access to
the sensor cup.
SteP 5)
Reassemble monitor and reinstall in
unit. Connect all cables and air sam-
ple hose. Allow monitor to stabilize
30 minutes to 1 hour and recalibrate.