Battery Replacement - A.W. Sperry Instruments SP-5A Mode D'emploi

Table des Matières


Be certain equipment is completely de-energized.
3) Set the selector switch to: X1K" position. Hold the test lead tips
together and adjust for a "0" OHM reading using the "OHM Zero
Adjust" knob. If a zero reading cannot be obtained a weak battery
is the most probable cause. See sec. 6-1.
4) Connect the instrument to the two points between which the
resistance is to be measured. Read the resistance on the upper-
most "Ω" scale. Multiply the reading by 1K (1000).
5) When reading resistors in circuit there may exist more than one
conductive path and the reading taken is a combination of circuit
paths. When trying to read one resistor in circuit it is advisable to
remove that resistor before measurement to avoid reading multi-
ple conductive paths.

6-1) Battery Replacement

1) Disconnect test leads from any circuit and then disconnect test
leads from the instrument.
2) Turn instrument upside down and lay on a soft flat surface,
which will not scratch the scale window.
3) Remove the Phillips head screw and lift off the back case.
4) Remove the battery by prying up near the center of the battery
using a coin.
5) Replace the battery with a new 1.5 Vdc, AA size battery, AWS
part B1. When installing the battery make sure the polarity match-
es that indicated in the battery compartment.
6) Replace the back cover by sliding the end with the small tab in
first. Then replace the Phillips head screw and tighten to a snug


Table des Matières

Table des Matières