Care and maintenance
The BERG trampoline is made from high quality materials and is designed to give you and your
family many years of fun and exercise. Correct maintenance and care will ensure the durability of
the BERG trampoline and reduce the risk of injury.
The following guidelines should be adhered to:
Inspect the BERG trampoline before each use, referring to the assembly instructions, and replace
defective or missing parts. Pay particular attention to:
• the condition of the frame part connections (welded and clamped connections);
• the condition of the trampoline surround (stitching, attachment to the frame, damage to the
canvas, springs completely covered);
• the condition of the springs (excessive stretching of the spring);
• the condition of the canvas (no tears, correct tension)
To order original BERG Favorit parts, please contact your dealer.
You can clean the spring mat with a cloth and cold water. Don't use warm water, detergent or
soap powder. To prevent the BERG trampoline becoming dirty, whenever it is not in use, we
recommend covering your BERG trampoline with a BERG cover sheet, which is available in 2
models and for all sizes of BERG trampolines.
Lowering your BERG trampoline
It is also possible to lower the BERG trampolines, BERG Favorit 11 ft (330), 12.5 ft (380) and 14 ft
(430). If you wish to lower the BERG Favorit trampoline, follow the instructions below carefully.
1. Dig a hole
2. Assemble the trampoline without its upper leg sections over the hole
A min.
9 ft (270)
11 ft (330)
60 cm
12.5 ft (380)
60 cm
14 ft (430)
60 cm
B min.
B max.
2.3 m
2.7 m
2.8 m
3.2 m
3.3 m
3.7 m