• Per la pulizia delle piastre utilizzare i seguenti prodotti: a) gasolio o benzina per la rimozione dei residui oleosi, b) soluzione di acido nitrico (HNO
calcaree. Le piastre devono essere immerse nella soluzione acida per al massimo 4 ore. La soluzione acida deve essere successivamente neutralizzata con una soluzione di soda caustica (NaOH) al 1% a 40° C. Dopo
l'utilizzo della soluzione acida e basica, lavare abbondantemente le piastre di scambio termico con acqua dolce pulita per rimuovere ogni residuo di soluzione acida e basica.
Eventuali residui di gasolio, di benzina, di fluido acido e/o basico sulle piastre di scambio termico possono causare gravi danni a cose/proprietà e persone: rimuovere completamente ogni residuo di
gasolio, di benzina, di fluidi acidi e/o basici dopo le operazioni di pulizia. Nell'eseguire le operazioni di pulizia precedentemente descritte adottare tutte le misure tecniche ed organizzative previste dalle leggi
e normative in materia di sicurezza; utilizzare i dispositivi di protezione personale in accordo alle indicazioni riportate sulla scheda di sicurezza del prodotto detergente utilizzato. Devono essere inoltre
applicate tutte le misure tecniche ed organizzative per il trattamento delle acque reflue in accordo alle leggi e alle normative vigenti in materia ambientale.
• Dopo pulizia delle piastre, applicare guarnizioni nuove: le guarnizioni rimosse non devono essere incollate alle piastre.
• Per incollare le guarnizioni nelle relative sedi, utilizzare solamente prodotti adesivi adatti all'incollaggio di guarnizioni di gomma sintetica.
• Dopo la pulizia delle piastre incollare le guarnizioni nuove stendendo un leggero strato di colla nella sede della piastra di scambio termico e lasciando asciugare per qualche secondo: prima di applicare lo strato di colla
controllare che la sede sia priva di residui di qualunque natura; posizionare quindi la guarnizione nella propria sede avendo cura che sia ben distesa e che non ci siano rigonfiamenti dovuti ad eccessi di colla. Una volta
incollate le guarnizioni, impilare le piastre di scambio termico e lasciarle in tale posizione per 5 ore per consentire che la colla si asciughi completamente. Dopo aver assemblato le piastre e prima di applicare la coppia di
serraggio, controllare che tutte le piastre siano state correttamente assemblate (vedi figure n° 7 e 8).
• Sia nella fase di apertura sia nella fase di serraggio del pacco di piastre di scambio termico agire sui dadi in modo tale che le due piastre verniciate siano sempre tra loro parallele. In particolare nella fase di serraggio è
necessario serrare i dadi fino al raggiungimento della quota totale di serraggio, indicata di seguito come QTS, che deve essere calcolata facendo riferimento alla tabella del paragrafo 1 e alla seguente formula:
La quota totale di serraggio, indicata con la lettera A, deve essere misurata come illustrato nelle figure n° 4, 5 e 6: tale quota deve essere garantita lungo tutto il perimetro delle piastre.
• Qualora i fluidi operativi abbiano un elevato fattore di sporcamento, svuotare completamente lo scambiatore di calore in caso di sosta prolungata dell'impianto.
• Utilizzare solo parti di ricambio originali ZILMET.
• Le guarnizioni in gomma sintetica sono componenti soggetti ad usura: per tale motivo devono essere sostituite in caso di usura eccessiva e comunque dopo cinque anni dalla data di installazione dello scambiatore di
Zilmet S.p.A. non sarà responsabile per alcun danno alle cose e alle proprietà e/o per danni fisici alle persone dovute alla non osservanza di tutte le istruzioni sopra riportate e, in particolare, dovuti ad un
errato dimensionamento e scelta, installazione, funzionamento e manutenzione impropri dello scambiatore di calore stesso e/o del sistema connesso.
INSTRUCTION SHEET FOR DISMANTLE PLATE HEAT EXCHANGERS__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The dismantle plate heat exchangers, named below heat exchangers, are manufactured by Zilmet S.p.A. according to the essential safety requirements of 97/23/EC Pressure Equipment Directive. These instructions have
been prepared in accordance with the purpose of article 3.4 of annex 1 of 97/23/EC Directive (instructions for the user containing all the necessary safety information relating to........) and are enclosed with the products when
placed on the market. All the heat exchangers are made from a variable number of gasketed stainless steel heat exchange plates which are kept together on a carbon steel frame by means of tie rods: the gaskets are made
of synthetic rubber. The heat exchange plates form circuits, which allow the operating fluids to flow separately. The heat exchangers which these instructions refer to have been designed and manufactured for the following
• The heat exchangers identified by drawings Z2, Z3 and Z4 allow the heat exchange without transition between two liquids or between liquid and steam in closed hydraulic heating systems, in systems for the production
of hot potable/sanitary water, in food processing plants, in heating systems for swimming pool, in solar systems and in machines tool.
The technical characteristics of the heat exchanger are shown in the identifying label applied to each product; among them, the most important information are: product identification, maximum working pressure, maximum
and minimum working temperature, number of heat exchange plates, material of gaskets, number of passes (1 pass, 2 pass etc.), production year and serial number.
characteristics for heat exchangers: in particular the values of the maximum/ minimum working temperature and the maximum working pressure shown in this table must be intended as maximum working parameters for heat
Working temperature [°C]
Maximum working
pressure [bar]
- 10
Note: for updated technical characteristics, please refer to the label on the heat exchanger
Any use at sustained or instantaneous pressure and/or temperature exceeding the prescribed limits and/or with fluids different from those listed in this manual is UNSAFE and can cause reduced heat exchanger life, property
damage, serious scalding and/or bodily injuries or result in death. According to local regulations or following to specifications agreed between ZILMET and the purchaser, the maximum working pressure and the maximum
working temperature may be lower (but not exceeding) than those shown in the above table: please refer always to the agreed specifications and/or to the local codes, regulations and standards.
Before the installation it is mandatory to calculate and to choose the correct type of heat exchanger according to the system design, the specifications, the instructions and the operation
requirements. Only qualified and licensed technicians may perform the calculation and the choice of the heat exchanger according to the local codes and standards. Only qualified and licensed
technicians may install, operate and service this equipment in accordance to the system design, specification and instructions, operation requirements and local thermal, pluming and electrical codes and
standards. Moreover all local safety, occupational health and environment and whatever applicable codes and standards must be followed. Please, pass these instructions to the personnel in charge for
installation, operation and service. All instructions must be carefully read before installing the heat exchanger. After installation these instruction must be kept for future reference.
▪ Should the ZILMET heat exchanger be missing the identifying label or should the technical characteristics shown in the ZILMET identifying label not be legible, do not install the heat exchanger: please, contact directly
ZILMET by phone at +039 049 7664901 or by e-mail at
▪ The identifying label is applied to the heat exchanger and must not be removed, tampered or changed.
▪ The outer edges of the heat exchange plates are cutting. Before handling the heat exchange plates, put on protective gloves and work clothes: the arms of the operator must be protected from the shoulder to the wrist.
▪ The system on which the heat exchanger is installed must have pressure-limiting devices (pressure relief valves): please, see figures 1,2 and 3.
▪ The system on which the heat exchanger is installed must have proper devices to control and to keep within safe limits the maximum and the minimum operating temperature.
▪ Proper means must be provided for preventing the air from accumulating into the heat exchanger during the working of the plant (please, see figures 1,2 and 3).
▪ Both the inlet pipes and the outlet pipes connected to the heat exchanger must have gate valves ( see figures 1, 2 and 3).
▪ Do not use this heat exchanger with the following fluids: a) sea water, chemical products, solvents, petroleum products, acids, bases and any other substance which may be detrimental to heat exchanger itself, b) fluids in
group 1 according to 97/23/EC directive, that is fluids defined as explosive, extremely flammable, flammable, very toxic, toxic, oxidizing according to 67/548/EEC directive.
▪ Use this heat exchanger just with fluids in group 2 according to 97/23/EC directive and having a vapour pressure greater than 0.5 bar above normal atmosphere pressure (1013 mbar) at the maximum working temperature
of the heat exchanger.
▪ Should the operating fluid be mineral oil or the operating fluid contain mineral oil, use the heat exchanger provided with NBR gaskets.
▪ Do not use the heat exchanger with fluids containing sand, clay and other solid substances that may be detrimental to the heat exchanger itself, clog the connections, and or the internal circuits: this can cause poor
performances of the heat exchanger, greater pressure loss through the heat exchanger, corrosion of the heat exchange plates. Should the operating fluids contain sand, clay or other solid substances, install proper filters in
the inlet pipes (please, see figures 1, 2 and 3).
▪ The heat exchanger and the connected system must be protected against below freezing temperatures by installation in suitable areas or by using proper antifreeze as ethylene glicol in following cases: a) working
temperature of the heat exchanger is close to the freezing point of the operating fluid, b) temperature is lower than the freezing point of the operating fluid.
Moreover due to the toxicity of antifreeze, this heat exchanger must not be used for the production of hot potable/sanitary water and all the proper means and precautions for avoiding dispersions in the
environment and possible poisoning must be adopted. Please refer to local safety, occupational, health and environmental codes and standards.
▪ Do not use this heat exchanger for any other purpose that it has been intended for.
▪ The heat exchanger, piping and connections may leak in time. Therefore it is necessary to install the heat exchanger in a suitable technical room, which must be provided with adequate systems to drain and discharge so
that any leakage will not cause damages to persons and/or properties. The manufacturer shall not be responsible for any damage to people and/or things and properties in connection with this heat exchanger.
▪ The manufacturer of this heat exchanger shall not be responsible for any possible damage to things and properties and/or injuries to persons due to improper transport and/or handling of the heat exchanger itself: all the
suitable means must be adopted to ensure the safety of people and the integrity of the product.
▪ As in all plumbing products, bacteria can grow in this heat exchanger especially during times of not use. The local plumbing official and the competent authorities must be consulted regarding any step the personnel in
charge for service and maintenance takes to safely disinfect the plumbing system.
▪ Any reduction in the operating flow rates results in reduction in the turbulence motion in the heat exchanger and therefore promotes the fouling and/or the build-up of deposits on heat exchange plates.
▪ It is forbidden to drill and to tamper with the heat exchanger any way.
▪ This heat exchanger must be protected against mechanical vibrations by means of proper isolator devices.
▪ This heat exchanger must not undergo pressure waves (water hammer) and/or pulsing pressure: therefore proper devices for pressure control must be installed both in the inlet pipes and the outlet pipes (please, see
figures 1, 2 and 3).
▪ The instantaneous change in the operating temperature can cause leakages of fluids from the synthetic rubber gaskets.
▪ It is necessary to avoid that the thermal expansions of the system connected to the heat exchanger cause additional stresses on connections of the heat exchanger itself.
▪ The heat exchanger should be heat insulated by means of plates made of suitable material.
• Make sure all the suitable and required lifting and transport means are used and all the organizing precautions and means are adopted when positioning and installing this heat exchanger.
• The weight of pipes filled with the operating fluids burdens the connections of the heat exchanger. Therefore it is important that, where necessary, the system piping is properly supported, for instance by strapping, hanger
and brackets.
• The counter-current flow installation ensures the maximum thermal efficiency (please, see figures 4, 5 and 6).
• The heat exchanger must be installed in a vertical position: ZILMET logo on the identifying label must be set as shown in figure 4 and 5. The painted plates for Z2 model and the bearing plates for Z3 and Z4 model must be
kept in touch with the ground (please, see figure 4 and 5).
• Make sure that the system layout allows for future maintenance and provides sufficient working space around the system for replacement and maintenance of the heat exchanger whenever necessary.
• The connections of the heat exchanger must be connected to the system as shown in figures 4, 5 and 6.
• Both the inlet pipes and the outlet pipes connected to the heat exchanger must have gate valves (please, see figures 1, 2 and 3).
• Before the installation, shut off the electric power and the operating fluids supply to the system. Make sure that the system is cooled and not pressurized for avoiding scalding and/or serious bodily injuries.
• Install the heat exchanger at the point specified by the system design.
• Do not install the heat exchanger outdoor, but only in closed and well aerated areas, far away from heat sources, electric generators and any other source that may be detrimental to the heat exchange itself.
• In filling the system with the operating fluids, remove all the air from the system and the heat exchanger.
• In starting up the plant, the inlet gate valves and the outlet gate valves must be turned off. Turn on the inlet gate valves first and then turn on the outlet gate valves until the operating temperature is reached: the gate valves
of both the circuits must be slowly turned on at the same time. If the simultaneous turning on of the gate valves of both the circuits is not feasible, firstly start up the circuit with the lowest operating temperature by turning on
the inlet valve first and then by turning on the outlet valve.
• After the installation of the heat exchanger and the re-start of the plant, check it for leakages. Check to make sure that the system pressure and temperature are within a safe operating range. If necessary, bring the system
pressure within safe limits and/or adjust the temperature control up to desired ending temperature.
• In the system shut down, turn off the outlet gate valves first and then the inlet gate valves: the valves of both the circuits must be slowly turned off at the same time. Should the simultaneous turning off the valves of both the
circuits be not feasible, turn off the circuit with the highest operating temperature first by turning off the outlet valve and then by turning off the inlet valve.
• To prevent corrosion due to stray and galvanic currents, the system must be grounded properly according to local electrical and plumbing codes and standards and, if needed, the heat exchanger may be provided with
dielectric joints after evaluating carefully the characteristics of the installation. Other possible causes for pin holing and corrosion phenomena have to be considered, for instance, characteristics of the operating fluids
Weight [kg]
Unit tightening
maximum (NBR/ EPDM)
+110 / +140
16,3 + 0,27 x N
+110 / +140
18,5 + 0,27 x N
+110 / +140
100 + 0,8 x N
QTS=QUS x N [mm]
Maximum working
pressure [bar]
N= number of heat exchange plates; QUS= unit tightening dimensions
2/ 6
) al 1% alla temperatura di 50° C per la rimozione delle incrostazioni
The following table shows the general technical
Working temperature [°C]
maximum (NBR/ EPDM)
+110 / +140
120 + 0,8 x N
+110 / +140
210 + 1,2 x N
Weight [kg]
Unit tightening