3.4) Memorizing the transmitters
The control unit recognizes various types of transmitters (see table
A1); as the coding system is different, the first transmitter memorized
determines the type of those that may be memorized afterwards. If
you wish to change the type of transmitter, first you need to erase all
the codes already stored in the memory.
The transmitters can be memorized directly through the T2 key on
the card (this is necessary for the first transmitter), or using the
remote memorization technique if the first transmitter code has
already been stored.
1 "radio led" flash
2 "radio led" flashes
3 "radio led" flashes
5 "radio led" flashes
Either one of two modes can be used to memorize the transmitters:
mode I
In this mode, the function of the transmitter keys is fixed: key 1 com-
mands the opening manoeuvre, key 2 commands a stop, key 3 com-
mands the closing manoeuvre, and key 4 commands a stop. A single
memorization stage is carried out for each transmitter; during this
stage it does not matter which key is pressed, and only one space is
occupied in the memory.
Mode II
In this mode each transmitter key can be associated with one of the four commands available: "step-by-step", "open", "close", "stop".
In this case each transmitter command to be activated must be memorized by pressing the desired key. Only one command can be asso-
ciated with a key, whereas the same command can be activated using different keys. One space for each memorized key is occupied in the
Example I memorization mode II
A01 N°1
A01 N°2
Key 1
Key 2
Key 3
Key 4
To proceed with the memorization of the transmitters refer to the following tables:
Table "A3"
memorization mode I
Press and hold down key T2 for at least 3 seconds
When the "radio LED" lights up, release the key
Within 10 seconds, press any key on the transmitter to be memorized and hold it down
for at least 3 seconds
Note: If the memorization procedure has been successful the "radio LED" will flash three times If you need to memorize additional transmitters,
repeat step 3 within the next 10 seconds.The memorization procedure will be terminated if no new codes are received within 10 seconds.
Table "A4"
memorization mode II
Press and release the T2 key as many times as the number corresponding to the desired
function: 1 = "step-by-step" 2 = "open" 3 = "close" 4 = "stop"
Make sure that the "radio LED" flashes as many times as the number corresponding to
the desired function
Within 10 seconds press the transmitter key you wish to memorize and hold it down for at
least 3 seconds
Nota: If the memorization procedure has been successful the "radio LED" will flash slowly three times. If you need to memorize additional transmitters,
repeat step 3 within the next 10 seconds. The memorization procedure will be terminated if no new codes are received within 10 seconds
Checking what type of transmitters are memorized
FLO type transmitters memorized
FLOR type transmitters memorized
SMILO type transmitters memorized
Empty memory (no memorized transmitter)
Example II memorization mode II
A01 N°1
Key 1
Key 2
Key 3
Key 4
You can check what type of transmitters are memorized in the con-
trol unit to see what type of transmitters can be added. To do this,
check how many times the "radio LED" flashes when the control unit
is switched on
memorization mode I
Key 1
Key 2
Key 3
Key 4
A01 N°2
A01 N°3
A01 N°4