5.3.2 Remote control functions, switching the FIXbikes on and off
The control light (Position 27 in the overview) lights up each time a remote control button is pressed.
Remote control functions
On switch
(Position 28 in the overview)
Off switch
(Position 29 in the overview)
Search button
(Position 30 in the overview)
Start button
(Position 31 in the overview)
Chart 1: Remote control functions
Switching the FIXbikes on/off
In order to switch on the FIXbikes, first switch the anti-theft alarm system off (press the off switch once). Then press the start button twice within 3 seconds. An
acoustic signal is heard and the digital instrument is activated. The FIXbike is now ready to be ridden.
Turn the FIXbikes off by pressing the off switch once.
Activating/Deactivating the anti-theft alarm system
First, switch the FIXbikes off. Press the on switch once to activate the anti-theft alarm system. An acoustic signal will sound.
You can set the sensitivity of the triggering sensor for the anti-theft alarm system to two levels: High, very sensitive, triggered at the slightest movement of the
FIXbike. Low, in order to be triggered the FIXbike must be moved away from its spot. These settings are selected by pressing the search button for 2 seconds.
Press the off switch once to deactivate the anti-theft alarm system.
5.3.3 Folding mechanism
Folding the FIXbikes
First switch the FIXbikes off before actuating the folding mechanism.
Loosen the quick-release mechanism of the seat post (Position 6 in the overview) and turn the seat tip to the side (Image 15 to 18). Then lock the quick-lock
Image 15: Quick-lock
Hold the FIXbikes firmly with one hand on the handlebars. Use the other hand
to push the locking lever (Image 19) (Position 8 in the overview) upwards on
the frame. Now pull the frame upwards and release the lever. Lift the frame
with the seat post until the locking mechanism audibly clicks into place.
The FIXbikes has now been folded (Image 20) and can be stowed away to
save space or be transported.
14500_ML-EAL-2017.indd 16
Activating the anti-theft alarm system
Switching on the acoustic alarm
Deactivating the anti-theft alarm system
Switching off the acoustic alarm
Acoustic signal to find the vehicle
Set the sensitivity of the sensor that
triggers the anti-theft alarm (high/low)
Turn on the FIXbikes
Image 16: Quick-lock
press once
press for 2 seconds
press once
press for 2 seconds
press once
press for 2 seconds
press 2 times in 3 seconds
Image 17: Seat straight
Image 19: Releasing the locking
Image 18: Seat turned
Image 20: Folded FIXbikes
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