How to turn the W810 radio buoy of
The W810 radio buoy is automatically deactivated when it is removed from
the water.
How to receive the W810 radio buoy information
The information from the Radiobuoy W810 are received by the Iridium SBD
service, through email. The messages are forwarded via email to max 5
email boxes. The received messages include the following data (that are
visible uncoded):
Buoy position determined by doppler system (see example):
From : SBD Msg From Unit: 300234xxxxxxxxx
Subject : SBD Msg From Unit: 300234061984870
MOMSN: 636
MTMSN: 124
Time of Session (UTC): Fri Feb 17 15:38:15 2017
Session Status: 00 - Transfer OK
Message Size (bytes): 0
Unit Location: Lat = 44.32103 Long = 11.82149
CEPradius = 3
More information are included in the fle attached to the message, that
usually has the IMEI number as a name. This attached fle, includes the
following information:
Position and time of the buoy (determined by GNSS module on
Battery status
These information can be managed by the client software sTrackIt!
(available free of charge from Wamblee), that has to be necessarily
connected to a data service, or by developing a specifc software
(Wamblee can provide the binary track of the attached fle)
W810 radio buoy automation
The W810 radio buoy is equipped with a light sensor which activates a