- For a restaurant covers an area of 400 square meters, target humidity is 40%RH,
according to the "Effective Humidifying Area Table, a single unit can humidify 300m³,
so, the restaurant needs humidifier quantities = (400X3)/300 = 4 (sets), installation guide
as below.
- For a factory covers as area of 2000 square meters (3m high), target humdity is 70% RH, according to
"Effective Humidifying Area Table" a single unit can
humidify 150m³, the factory needs humidifier quantities = (2000x3)/150 = 40 (sets), installation guide as below.
Mark :
1. You can increase or decrease the number of based on your demands for
humidifying time (Eg, time for humidification raised from 20% RH to 70% RH (more units to shorten humidifying
time, less units to extend humidifying time)
2. For different area where requires different humidity, either by setting target humidity
or adjusting density of installation units.
Dust Screen Maintenance
Chart 5.1
1 - Shown as above illustration: Take out snap joints in direction
2 - Remove the front panel in direction
3 - Draw out the Dustproof net as
4 - Clean the net. Put the net back after dry and clean as
5 - Install the front panel as
6 - Buckle the panels as
Suggestion: Every 6-month a time or more to clear the product
Chart 5.1