Notice Detendeurs 07-2008 int.qxd
VX 200 Iceberg Technical specifications
All BEUCHAT regulators meet the European EN 250 -
2000 standard.
Yoke 230 bars - 3300 psi (Réf. : 316 016)
DIN 230/300 bars - 3300/4400 psi (Réf. : 316 017)
The VX 200 Iceberg regulator are composed of a balan-
ced diaphragm first stage with swivel and a VX 200
Iceberg balanced second stage with Venturi and sensitivi-
ty adjustments (Dive mode).
A > V200 First stage
The balanced diaphragm V200 first stage reduces the
high pressure air in the cylinder to an adjustable interme-
diate pressure of 9,5 bars (145 PSI) above ambient pres-
sure. The first stage is balanced and delivers air at
constant pressure even as the pressure decrease inside the
cylinder. A low pressure hose links the first to the second
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VX 200 Iceberg / User guide
stage. The first stage features four 3/8" LP ports and two
7/16" HP ports.
B > VX 200 Iceberg second stage
The VX 200 Iceberg second stage is a pneumatically
balanced second stage, witch offers optimum ease of
breathing. An additional adjustment allow the diver to
fine tune the Venturi effect to the dive / diver conditions.
A specially designed front cover offers maximum protec-
tion to the diaphragm and minimizes the side effect of
strong currents. The VX 200 Iceberg second stage comes
from factory with adjustment knob and lever in the minus
C > Venturi lever
This lever, located on the side of the second stage
Housing, enables the diver to control the inhalation
Venturi effect. When on the + position, the diver get
maximum Venturi assistance upon initial inhalation, the
air flow is maintained without additional effort.
Important : On the surface to avoid any free flow resul-
ting from surface waves and / or sudden entry in the
water , the diver should keep the lever pushed towards
the front in the - minus position. This position should be
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