Cannot attach bottle to
machine / Fizz Infuser is
blocked by a white tip
No Carbonation
Slight Carbonation
It's difficult to remove the
water bottle from the Fizz
Infuser after carbonating.
Foam rises too quickly while
carbonating or releasing
- Put your fingers behind the Fizz Infuser Adapter (half-moon shape), and pull it forward to about 45 degree
angle from vertical position. Or refer to FAQs at
- Check if CO2 carbonator is empty. Use a brand new carbonator.
- Carbonator is too cold. Wait until carbonator reaches room temperature.
- Beverage is too warm. Use a very cold beverage.
- Check to see if CO2 carbonator is properly installed into the receptacle. Hand tighten.
- CO2 is not mixed well with drink. Wait 10 seconds after carbonating to complete mixing before releasing pressure.
- CO2 carbonator is close to empty. Change the CO2 carbonator.
- Carbonator is too cool. Wait until carbonator reaches room temperature.
- Beverage is too warm. Use 33˚-42˚F (0.5˚-5.5˚C) very cold beverage.
- Beverage is too sugary. Sugar moleculars tend to absorb more CO2 around so it feels less carbonated than water
- Press on the carbonation button for a longer period of time.
- Excess CO2 has not been released. Lift the pressure release tab on the Fizz Infuser and wait until all the
excess CO2 has been released. Always push the blue fast release button to empty the pressure.
- Use shorter carbonation bursts. Every beverage will foam differently. If foam is coming out when you are
releasing pressure through the slow release valve, next time you carbonate that beverage: (i) pour less beverage
to leave more room for foam to rise up; (ii) use shorter bursts; (iii) wait longer between each carbonation press.
For drinks with alcohol or high sugar content, fill the bottle halfway and use short CO2 bursts. This is a machine
that allows you to use your own imagination to design your own sparkling beverages and learn to make
beverages to your liking. The more you make drinks you'll learn how to best carbonate your favorite drinks.