1. My Pen won't turn on!
(Light doesn't turn on)
Let's double check the following:
A. Is the Power Adapter plugged into a working power outlet?
If you have a spare power adapter around the house please
use it to test your 3Doodler PRO. This will help determine if the
problem is with your 3Doodler PRO or with the Power Adapter
(5v2amp) provided in the box.
B. Is the end of the Power
Adapter connected to the
correct part of the Pen?
2. My Material is extruding but it
won't stick to the paper, or is
curling up around the Nozzle.
Stop extruding and start
again using the following
When the Material resumes extruding, push the Nozzle firmly
down into the paper, allowing Plastic to stick to the surface.
Drag the Material along the paper or surface in a continuous
unbroken line as if you were writing with a pencil.
Keep your movement slow and steady. The Plastic should hold to
the paper and not curl up around the Nozzle.
3. My Material is not extruding
from my 3Doodler.
3A. Strand not engaging properly with the Drive Gear:
Gently push the Strand until you feel the strand pulled through
the Drive Gear on its own.
If the above does not work, reverse the Strand fully from the Pen.
(See Section 2, Step 6) Snip ends, then reinsert and try again.
If Strand is too short to be removed from the Pen, move to 3B.
3B. Plastic is too short to be removed from the Pen:
Try unscrewing the Nozzle and inserting the Thin Unblocking
Tool into the front of the pen and clicking the Reverse Button.
C. Make sure the On/ Off
Switch on your 3Doodler does
not turn OFF.
Thin Unblocking