During the transportation/storage/set up, be careful no to impact/chock/drop the
During the mounting, please strictly follow the instruction guide provided with
the device and the wiring recommendations and tools.
Raylight does not guarantee its products outside these limitations.
The mounting of the light device must be done under these conditions:
Strictly respect the assembly instructions.
➔ The assembly order must comply to the instructions.
➔ The wires must go through foam inserts to ensure sealing.
➔ The polarity « Led + Led- » must be respect: short-circuits risks, creation of a
hot spot leading to the destruction of the LED card.
➔ The tightening of the polycarbonate protective layer ULV0 torque must be
done by hand: tighten with a manual screwdriver without forcing, do not use
a drill (see assembly instructions). Tightening must be enough to crush the
sealing foam to ensure the sealing of the luminous device.
➔ Place the light device at more than one meter from inflammables or
explosives (example: petrol tank).
In case of a purchase of the device without the protective layer, Raylight
absolves itself of all responsibility.
Raylight does not guarantee its products outside these limitations.
Declare a non-compliance
Raylight reserves the right to accept the non-compliance upon receipt of the
defective product.
Shipping charges of a potentially defective product are the responsibility of the
If the non-compliance is proven, Raylight will issue a refund of the shipping charges.
Limatech SAS
31 Chemin de la Crabe
31300 Toulouse
Last Update: 15/09/2021
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