16. Déclaration de conformité
We, KOBOLD Messring GmbH, Hofheim-Ts, Germany, declare under our sole
responsibility that the product:
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the standards noted below:
EN 61010-1
EN 61000-6-2
EN 61000-6-4
Additional for model NWS-***23/24/2W/2H
EN 61326-A2
Additional for model NWS-***2E* ****
EN 50014: 1997 + A1 – A2
EN 50020: 1994
EN 50284: 1999
Also the following EEC guidelines are fulfilled:
89/336/ EEC
Page 18 sur 18
Level Switch model: NWS -..
(Electromagnetic compatibility)
(Low voltage guideline)
(Equipment and Protective systems intended for use in a
potentially Explosive Atmospheres)
Certificate number: BVS 03 ATEX E119
Notified body: Deutsche Montan Technologie, Essen
H. Peters
M. Wenzel
Date: 2003-12-08
NWS 02/04