Following variables are available:
Except for the $S, all time indications are expressed in UTC under conside-
ration of the time zone offset indication in the configuration.
The time indication $S is expressed in UTC.
The condition is structured like a logic expression. Following logical compa-
rison operators can be used for the definition: (<, <=, >, >=, <>, == and
!=), as well as the logical operators AND (&&), OR(||) and NOT(!). Also the
arithmetic operations +, -, *, / and % (modulo) can be used. Moreover the
expression can be organised with brackets „(„ and „)".
$v<10 && $i=8297
($v<-10 || $v>10)&&$c==0
The HTTP-report, the e-mail report and the subject line for the e-mail are
text fields that can be fitted with variables. The value of a variable will be
replaced by text when the message text is set up.
Measured value
Sensor type 1 = Temperature (°C), 3 = RH% (%), 5=CO2 (ppm)
Identification number of the sensor
rssi-value (dBm)
Indication of the hours in the time indication of the measurement
Indication of the minutes in the time indication of the measurement
Indication of the seconds in the time indication of the measurement
Indication of the year in the time indication of the measurement
Indication of the month in the time indication of the measurement
Indication of the day in the time indication of the measurement
Measurement time in seconds since 1-1-2000 UTC
Day of the week at the time of measurement (0=Sunday, 1=Monday...)
Current running average value (len = Length in seconds)
Current running minimum value (len = Length in seconds)
Current running maximum (len = Length in seconds)
Previous value. If dt=0, then the previous measurement value is given,
otherwise, the interpolated value at the moment of dt seconds back in time is
is true as soon as the measurement goes below the value
10 .
is true as soon as the measurement for sensor 8297 goes
below the value 10.
is true as soon as the measurement goes below the value -10
or above10 and the day of the week is a Sunday.