Revolution SHURflo 4008 RV Manuel D'installation Et D'entretien


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Installation & Maintenance Manual
Installation Preparation
The goal of installation is to provide a quiet, easy-
to-maintain installation with good flow and low
backpressure. This can be accomplished with
the following guidelines:
• Mount on a solid surface in an accessible
location for strainer cleaning and pump main-
• Use flexible high-pressure hose on the pump
inlet and outlet [such as SHURflo Kit 94-591-
00]. The pumps ports and strainer should not
be connected to plastic or rigid pipe, or the
pump's normal motion will transmit through
rigid plumbing causing noise, and possibly
loosening or cracking components.
• Pump must use an adequate 50-mesh strainer
[such as SHURflo 255 series strainers].
• Use a minimum of 1/2" [13mm] Inner Diame-
ter plumbing. Smaller ID plumbing will cause
cavitation, high backpressure, low flow and
• No need for an accumulator with by-pass pumps.
• Pump is designed for intermittent duty only: Do not use these pumps for running a Reverse-Osmosis [RO] Filtration
System. High pressure-continuous duty usage will shorten the life of the pump and is not covered under warranty.
• Wire Size is 16 GA MINIMUM , 12GA is recommended---See Wire Chart in Electrical Section for minimum sizing.
• Minimum power requirement is a 10 Amp circuit.
• Reduce restrictions on inlet and outlet. This includes small inner diameter shut-off valves, winterizing valves and
• If the RV has an Intellitec Pump Controller, it must be rated at 10 or 15 amps; If the controller is rated at 7.5 Amps, a
new controller or a high-amp relay must be used.
• Mount the pump within 6 feet of the tank for best performance and pump life. The pump will pull farther, but the farther it
pulls the more work it does, increasing vibration and noise, and reducing the output and pump life.
• Mount pump in a space of at least 1 cubic foot for adequate ventilation to prevent overheating.
• Pump may be mounted in any position.
• Mount pump for easy access for cleaning strainer, maintenance and service.
• Mount pump on a solid surface to prevent vibration and noise.
• The pump works best on an individual filtered circuit, protected by the recom-
mended fuse or breaker specified on the label.
• A 15-Amp switch is recommended and should be on the positive lead.
• Wire Sizing: Proper wire sizing is required for good pump operation. If the
wire is too small, low voltage will affect the pump performance and can create
a fire hazard.
Installation of a strainer is required to prevent debris from entering the pump.
For noise and vibration reduction we recommend at least 18 in. [.5
both ports. The pump ports and strainer should not be connected to plastic or rigid pipe. This hose should be anchored
where it meets the hard plumbing to reduce plumbing vibration.
911-1008 Rev C
4008 RV By-Pass Pump
Installation Guidelines
16GA [1,29mm] min.
Solid surface within 6 feet of tank
Minimize flow restrictions in the system
No accumulator needed
Flexible hose on inlet and outlet
Minimize plumbing elbows and valves
] of 1/2" [13mm] I.D. flexible high-pressure hose to
ECO #: 16519
By SHURflo
Typical Pump Installation
• Accessible location
• Strainer on pump inlet
• Properly sized wiring
• Proper electrical protection
• Properly sized plumbing
Minimum Wire Size for a 10% voltage drop on a
12VDC, 10 Amp Circuit. Length is the distance from
the power source to pump and back to ground.
0 - 25
[0 - 7.6]
25 -50
[7.6 - 15.2]
50 - 70
[15.2 - 21.3]
70 -110 [21.3 - 33.5]
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Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Revolution SHURflo 4008 RV

  • Page 1 4008 RV By-Pass Pump By SHURflo Installation & Maintenance Manual 16GA [1,29mm] min. Installation Preparation CONNECTOR Typical Pump Installation The goal of installation is to provide a quiet, easy- FUSE SWITCH FUSE to-maintain installation with good flow and low GROUND backpressure.
  • Page 2 Operation This pump is designed for intermittent duty only. The pump operates normally up to about 40-psi, where a spring-loaded by-pass valve opens, allowing flow back from the output side to the input side, providing smooth, steady flow with virtually no cycling, all the way down to a trickle. As a faucet is opened back up, the pressure will drop, the by-pass will close and full flow is again obtained.
  • Page 3 Troubleshooting Vibration induced by driving can loosen plumbing, strainers and pump hardware. Check for system components that are loose. Also, refer to the chart below for trouble-shooting tips. PUMP WILL NOT START/ BLOWS CIRCUIT: PUMP WILL NOT SHUT-OFF / RUNS WHEN FAUCET IS CLOSED: •...
  • Page 4: Dérivation 4008 De Shurflo Pour Véhicules De Loisirs

    Dérivation 4008 de SHURflo pour véhicules de loisirs 16GA [1,29mm] min. CONNECTEUR Manuel d’installation et de maintenance INTERRUPTEUR Typical Pump Installation FUSE Préparation à l’installation GROUND L’objectif de l’installation est d’obtenir une installation silencieuse, facile d’entretien et délivrant un bon débit avec un faible retour. Ceci peut être réalisé...
  • Page 5: Fonctionnement

    Fonctionnement Cette pompe est conçue pour un service intermittent uniquement. La pompe fonctionne normalement jusqu'à une pression de 40 psi, où une soupape de dérivation à ressort s’ouvre et permet au débit de sortir de revenir au côté d'admission afin d'assurer un débit régulier et stable avec pratiquement aucun cycle, jusqu'à un mince filet. Quand le robinet est rouvert, la pression chute, la soupape de dérivation se ferme et le plein débit est à...
  • Page 6: Dépannage

    Dépannage Les vibrations provoquées par l'entraînement peuvent desserrer la tuyauterie, les filtres et la visserie de la pompe. Vérifiez qu’aucun composant du système n’est desserré. LA POMPE NE S'ARRÊTE PAS/TOURNE QUAND LE ROBINET EST LA POMPE NE DÉMARRE PAS/FAIT DISJONCTER LE CIRCUIT : FERMÉ...

Table des Matières