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BSP530 BPP530 CitySoul Gen2 Mini suspended CitySoul Gen2 Mini post top 1’BSP 3 x M6 120 ° 0.054m² 0.050m² Ø 90 BRP530 CitySoul Gen2 Mini side entry BGP530 CD CitySoul Gen2 Mini spigot dedicated bracket 0.044m² 0.052m² SCx=0.025 m BGP530 76PA CitySoul Gen2 Mini tiltable post BPP532 + JRP533 CitySoul Gen2 Mini + lyre...
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BGP530 N + JRP532 BGP531 N + JRP532 CitySoul Gen2 Mini + double post top CitySoul Gen2 Large + double post top Ø60 Ø60 0.097m² 0.115m² SCx=0.061 m SCx=0.067 m BSP531 BPP531 CitySoul Gen2 Large suspended CitySoul Gen2 Large post top 1’BSP 77 99 3 x M6...
Tímto prohlaŐuje, Ŭe typ rádiového zaňízení je v souladu se smĎrnicí 2014/53/EU. Úplné znĎní EU prohláŐení o shodĎ je k dispozici na této internetové adrese: potrjuje, da je tip radijske opreme skladen z Direktivo 2014/53/EU. Celotno besedilo izjave EU o skladnosti je na voljo na naslednjem spletnem naslovu:
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GB SR compatibility - For SR-based luminaires only SR-Certified components/sensors are to be used (see also: emea/products/driving-connected-lighting). The functional compatibility of two (SR-certified) components/sensors to be used in combination, as well as the override possibility of any line-switch function used in an SR-based luminaire, is to be released by the master component/sensor supplier. If using a NEMA 7- pin socket on an SR-based luminaire, a full system verification is required.
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Nerespectarea acestor recomandări poate duce la/va cauza risc de avarie și neconformitate, pentru care Signify nu își poate asuma nicio responsabilitate. CZ Kompatibilita s SR - U svítidel SR se používají pouze SR certifikované součásti/snímače (viz též connected-lighting). Funkční kompatibilitu dvou součástí nebo snímačů (s certifikací SR) při použití v kombinaci a možnost potlačení funkcí LineSwitch, používaných u svítidel SR, musí...
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Storage, installation, use, operation and maintenance of the products needs to be performed exactly according the instructions in this manual and/or other instructions as may be provided by us to guarantee safe use of the product over its entire lifetime. Failure to adhere to these instructions will invalidate your entitlement to warranty.
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Ürünlerin saklanması, kurulumu, kullanımı, çalıştırılması ve bakımı, ürünün kullanım ömrü boyunca güvenli kullanımının sağlanması amacıyla tam olarak bu kılavuzdaki ve / veya tarafımızdan sağlanan diğer talimatlara uygun biçimde gerçekleştirilmelidir. Söz konusu talimatlara uyulmaması, ürünle ilgili garanti hakkınızı geçersiz kıllar. Teknik çizimde yanında sıkkma torku değeri belirtilen cıvatalar kalibre edilmiş bir tork anahtarı kullanılarak sıkılmalıdır. Önceden takılmış...
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BSP530 - 531 BVP530 - 531 07/2020 Data subject to change Printed in Spain 23/24...
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The information presented in this document is not intended as any commercial offer and does not form part of any quotation or contract. Philips and the Philips Shield Emblem are registered trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V..