schoben sein.
Achtung: Die Befeuerung mit Trockenbrennstofftabletten erfordert viel
Sauerstoff. Eine gute Belüftung des Zimmers ist daher notwendig!
Tabletten, die nicht restlos abgebrannt sind, wegen der auftretenden Ge-
ruchsbelästigung nicht ausblasen, sondern unbedingt ausbrennen lassen.
Falls nicht genügend Wasser im Kessel ist, muss der Brennerschieber he-
raus genommen, auf eine feuerfeste Unterlage gelegt und hier die Brenn-
stofftabletten restlos abgebrannt werden.
16. Jetzt das Dampfabsperrventil bei sichtbarer Dampfentwicklung (Manometerstand
ca. 1,2 bar) durch eine Drehung nach links öffnen. Dadurch setzt sich die Turbine in
Drehung. Die Drehzahl der Turbine kann durch das Dampfabsperrventil geregelt wer-
den. Die volle Leistung erreicht die Turbine erst bei der zweiten Füllung mit Wi-
17. Der Kondenswasserbehälter kann während des Dampfbetriebes entleert werden.
18. Nach Beendigung des Dampfbetriebes und dem Abkühlen sollte die Dampfturbine
gewartet werden. Noch im Kessel vorhandenes Wasser entleeren. Hierzu das Federsi-
cherheitsventil abschrauben und vor dem Umkippen des Modells alle losen aufgesetz-
ten Teile abnehmen. Vorsicht bei heißem Wasser! Im Kessel verbleibendes Wasser
kann der Funktion nicht schaden, aber evtl. zu Ablagerungen an dem Schauglas füh-
ren. Kalkrückstände am Wasserstandsschauglas oder im Kessel auf keinen Fall mit
Essig oder sonstigen stark ätzenden Mitteln entfernen (Empfehlung: Verwendung
eines kalklösenden Mittels, welches Messing und Lötzinn nicht angreift). Zum Ab-
schluss das Modell trockenputzen.
19. Dieses Modell ist mit einem fest installierten Dynamo ausgestattet (12V DC). So
ist es möglich andere Lampen oder elektrische Motoren, welche der Ausgangsleistung
des Generators angepasst sind, zu betreiben. Hierfür sind die Anschlusskabel dieses
Verbrauchers unter den Anschlussschrauben festzuklemmen. Kurzschlüsse sind hier zu
vermeiden. Weiterhin können anstatt oder gleichzeitig Antriebsmodelle über die Trans-
mission mit entsprechenden Antriebsspiralen angetrieben werden.
20. Alle WILESCO-Dampfmodelle durchlaufen eine Endkontrolle. Bei einem evt. Feh-
ler können Sie die Dampfturbine über Ihren Fachhändler oder direkt an uns einsenden.
Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass bereits angeheizte/gebrauchte Modelle nicht ge-
gen neue ausgetauscht werden können. Die häufigsten Reklamationen sind undichte
Dampfkessel. Die Lötnaht wird durch Beheizung ohne ausreichenden Wasserstand
zerstört. In solchen Fällen verflüssigt sich das Lötzinn an der Lötnaht tropfenförmig
und der Kessel wird undicht. Dies ist ein eindeutiger Beweis, dass der Kessel trocken-
beheizt wurde. Bitte beobachten Sie stets sorgfältig den Wasserstand, da eine Tro-
ckenbeheizung jegliche Garantieansprüche ausschließt.
Umweltschutz wird auch bei uns groß geschrieben. Somit haben Sie die Möglichkeit
nach einem langen Dampfmaschinenleben diese und auch die Original-Verpackung an
uns zurückzugeben. (Versandkosten werden nicht übernommen.) Alle zurückgesandten
Modelle / Verpackungen werden von uns einem fachgerechten Recycling zugeführt.
Dieses Modell ist ausschließlich für die oben beschriebene Funktion bestimmt.
Technische Änderungen behalten wir uns vor.
WILESCO wünscht Ihnen nun viel Spaß mit Ihrer Dampfturbine und „Volldampfvo-
Attention! Before operating this steam engine model
please read and observe thoroughly the operation
precautions for your own safety:
1. For safety reasons, children should run the steam
turbine only under supervision of adults (recommended
age: from 8 years on, not recommended for children
under 36 months). During the operation of the steam model
until its complete cooling the engine must be under constant
2. Each irregularity during operation has to be repaired by a competent and authorized
person or by WILESCO themselves. Otherwise any warranty expires.
3. Any unauthorized change, repair or manipulation to the standard specification will
also invalidate the warranty.
4. All parts which are under steam pressure so as boiler, spring loaded safety valve etc.
leave our works only after a 100% examination. The spring loaded safety valve must
not be manipulated. The operation of the steam turbine without any spring loaded
safety valve is not allowed The function of the spring loaded valve has to be checked
before each operation by pressing the spring or by a small pull on the upper valve rod.
If lime residues caused by hard water are visible on the spring loaded safety valve, it
has to be replaced immediately.
5. High temperatures: The principles on which the engine works mean that the
burner slide, boiler, boiler house, the spring loaded safety valve, the steam pipes etc.
become very hot. Do not touch in order to avoid the risk of burns.
6. Safety precautions: During operation, take care that children do not touch the
moving cog wheels.
7. Danger if the boiler is heated without enough water! Always
ensure that there is enough water in the boiler of the steam turbine.
Caution: When refilling WiTabs dry fuel tablets also refill up to the
max. level.. The water must always be visible at least at the lower
end of the sight glass, otherwise the joints become leaking and the
boiler will be destroyed. Any resulting claim, damage or consequential
damage cannot be accepted. If the boiler or any steam leading part leak, stop the steam
model immediately by removing the burner slide. Any necessary repair should be
carried out by authorized staff or at the WILESCO company.
8. The steam turbine meets all safety standards and actual regulations. Each boiler has
been submitted to a bursting pressure and water test of 5 bar. The operating pressure is
maximally 1,5 bar.
9. Imperatively keep the operating instructions with your steam turbine.
10. We advise you to place the stationary steam turbine on a non sliding surface or fix
it onto a coated chipboard (approx. 16 mm thick) with 4 woodscrews (3,4 x 55 mm).
The size of the board depends on how many models will be run with the steam turbine.
Caution: Don't operate the steam turbine near flammable objects or on
temperature-sensitive surfaces. Operation only under windless condition.
11. Screw the pressure gauge with sealing ring(s) onto the boiler. Bring its face to the
front side (eventually use further sealing rings of different thicknesses).
12. Screw the steam whistle onto the boiler. Do use only the spanner provided with the
turbine. Do not tighten by turning the lever as this will be damaged. When screwing in
the steam whistle, the lever with the chain should point outwards (use washers if
necessary) so that the chain which operates the whistle does not come in contact with
the boiler. Pull the chain gently to operate the whistle. Note: the steam whistle can be
used to check any overpressure in the boiler or to check whether the boiler is still under
13. Filling with water at the first operation and after cooling of the boiler: Unscrew the
spring loaded safety valve and fill the boiler with the funnel up to the water level
maximum (upper end of the sight glass), if possible with warm water. Lift the funnel
slightly during filling so that the air inside the boiler can escape. Use only deficient in
lime water or, even better, water without any lime (e.g. distilled water). Then refit the
spring-loaded safety valve.
14. Unlike the WILESCO steam engines, the turbine does not need any oil. All moving
parts are provided with a ball bearing.
15. Place WiTabs dry fuel tablets upright into the burner slide (not more
than 3 pcs.) and light them. Use only the original WILESCO burner slide.
Caution: because of the risk of danger from an open flame, always
take the necessary safety precautions. The burner slide is adjustable. The
oxygen supply and the flame height can be adjusted by moving the burner
slide in relation to the air holes (see illustration). Before adding new fuel tablets,
always check the water level and refill the boiler with water to ensure that the boiler
does not run dry. The ratio of fuel tablets to the quantity of water in the boiler is
designed so that the boiler cannot run dry without any added fuel tablets. The fuel slide
must be completely pushed in. Important: After the heating process, remove the
burner slide from the guide whilst it is still hot, otherwise unburnt fuel may cause
the slide to stick. If the slide becomes stuck, it can be removed by tilting it slightly to
the left or right.
Caution: dry fuel tablets require a lot of oxygen to burn properly. That is
the reason why, for an indoors use, the room should be well ventilated.
To prevent unpleasant smells, the fuel tablets should be burnt out - they
should not be blown out. If there is not enough water in the boiler, place the
burner slide on a fire-resistant plate until the tablets have burned out
16. When steam can be seen, open the steam regulator by one complete turn anti-
clockwise (level of the manometer approx 1,2 bar). Then the steam turbine will start to
perate. The speed can be adjusted by means of the steam valve.
The turbine reaches its full performance only with the second dry-fuel-tablet-
17. The condensed water tray can be emptied while the steam turbine is running.
18. After the use of the steam turbine and its cooling, the turbine should be serviced.
Pour out any water left in the boiler. For this, unscrew the spring loaded valve and take
off all of the loose parts before tipping over the turbine. Be very careful if the water
is still hot! Any water left in the boiler cannot do any damage, but might leave
sediment on the sight glass. Any lime formation on the sight glass or in the boiler have
not to be removed in any case using vinegar or corrosive agent (advise: use a lime
dissolving agent which does not attack the brass and the solder). The building of sood
on the lower side of the boiler does not influence the function and can be removed with
a brush. Finally, dry the model using a clean cloth.
19. This model is equipped with a fixed dynamo (12 V DC). Thus it is possible to
operate further lamps or electric motors which are adapted to the output of the dynamo.
For this the connection cables of the current consumer have to be fixed under the
connection screws. Short-circuits have to be avoided. Alternatively or even additionally
you can drive simoultaneously further drive models by using appropriate drive belts
and the transmission.
20. All WILESCO steam turbines are carefully checked before leaving the factory.
However if a problem arises, you can return the steam turbine to a specialized
distributor or directly to WILESCO. We are sure you will understand that already
fired or used models cannot be exchanged for new ones. The most frequent claims
are leaking boilers. The solder will be destroyed if it is not enough water in the boiler.
In such cases, the solder liquefy drop-shaped and the boiler becomes leaking. This is an
obvious proof that the boiler was fired without enough water. Please watch always
carefully the water level because the heating without enough water excludes any
demand for warranty.
This steam turbine is only meant for the above described function.
Technical data can be amended without prior notice.
WILESCO wish you a lot of pleasure with your steam turbine and „full steam ahead„!