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FLOW SMOKE DETECTOR Smoke alarm Mister Owl / Rosie Please nd the following languages inside: EN, NL, DE, FR, DK, ES, FI, IT, NO, SE Smoke alarm devices Model: 1065027/1075027 1134-CPR-200 Manual version: 5027_03 EN14604:2005 / Manufactured in China 1134...
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- Alarm signal from 85 db - Use only the below indicated batteries, usage of other batteries can damage the smoke The Flow smoke alarm works in accordance with the photocell principle. This means that an alarm: 9 V DC block battery (LR61 or 6F22) alarm signal is being emitted once smoke caused by re is detected.
Fitting the battery Lifetime: the red LED indication light ashes 3 times, simultaneously to 3 audible beeps sounding every 50-60 seconds. Warning: when in its intermission mode, the Flow smoke detector is non active and won’t Connect the battery Fit the battery respond to any smoke formation.
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- Deze rookmelder is niet geschikt voor badkamer, douche of keuken. - Luid alamsignaal van 85 db De FLOW rookmelder werkt volgens het fotocel principe. Dit betekent dat het alarm - Gebruik uitsluitend de volgende batterijen: de rook waarneemt die is veroorzaakt door een brand en vervolgens een alarmsignaal 9 V blokbatterij (LR61 of 6F22) afgeeft.
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Test the alarm for correct operation using the Manufactured in China by: test facility, whenever the battery is replaced. Flow Products International b.v. Manufactured in China by: week en altijd na het vervangen van een batterij, een periode van afwezigheid of het Flow Products International b.v.
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Alarmsignal erzeugt. Der Alarm erkennt keine Hitzeentwicklung und kein Gas - Nicht geeignet für Küche oder Bad oder Feuer. Dieser Alarm wurde für den Hausgebrauch konzipiert. Der Flow Smoke Detector - Zu verwenden von 0 bist +55 Grad Celcius Rauchmelder kann keinen Brand verhindern.
Test the alarm for correct operation using the Manufactured in China by: Rauchmelders. Der Rauchmelder muss regelmäßig mit dem Staubsauger gereinigt test facility, whenever the battery is replaced. Flow Products International b.v. Manufactured in China by: Flow Products International b.v. Madridstraat 8...
- Ne convient pas pour la cuisine ou la salle de bain - Signal d’alarme sonore de 85 dB Le détecteur de fumée Flow smoke detector fonctionne selon le principe de la cellule - Pile rectangulaire de 9 V (LR61 / 6F22) - Traiter la pile comme un déchet chimique...
Replace smoke detector before: xx/xx/xxxx Test the alarm for correct operation using the Manufactured in China by: test facility, whenever the battery is replaced. Flow Products International b.v. Manufactured in China by: Flow Products International b.v. Madridstraat 8 XXX-CPD-XXXXXXXX...
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Denne røgalarm - Brug kun de nedenfor angivne batterier, kan brugen af andre batterier beskadige røg registrerer ikke varme, gas eller brand og er kun beregnet til husholdningsbrug. Flow alarm: 9 V DC blok batteri (LR61 eller 6F22) røgalarm kan ikke forhindre brand.
Replace smoke detector before: xx/xx/xxxx Test the alarm for correct operation using the Manufactured in China by: test facility, whenever the battery is replaced. Flow Products International b.v. Manufactured in China by: Flow Products International b.v. Madridstraat 8 XXX-CPD-XXXXXXXX...
Está diseñado con nes domésticos. El Alarma: batería de 9 V bloque DC (LR61 o 6F22) detector de humo Flow no puede prevenir un incendio. Lea con atención estas - Quali ed para su uso en temperaturas de 0 a +55 grados Celsius? instrucciones de uso antes de instalar el detector de humo.
Replace smoke detector before: xx/xx/xxxx Manufactured in China by: test facility, whenever the battery is replaced. Manufactured in China by: Flow Products International b.v. Flow Products International b.v. Madridstraat 8 XXX-CPD-XXXXXXXX EN 14604:2005...
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- Helppo asentaa (mukaan lukien kiinnitys osat) - Valmistettu Kiinassa Flow palovaroitin toimii optisella periaatteella. Se tarkoittaa, että varoitin tunnistaa tulen aiheuttaman savun ja siten saa aikaan hälytyssignaalin. Tämä varoitin ei tunnista kuumuutta, kaasua eikä tulta. Tämä hälytin on tarkoitettu kotitalouskäyttöön. Flow Asiakastuki palvelu: www.
Replace smoke detector before: xx/xx/xxxx Test the alarm for correct operation using the Manufactured in China by: test facility, whenever the battery is replaced. Flow Products International b.v. Manufactured in China by: Flow Products International b.v. Madridstraat 8 XXX-CPD-XXXXXXXX...
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Questo congegno non rileva calore, gas, o fuoco. Il congegno di allarme fumo è fumo esclusivamente per uso domestico. Il congegno di allarme fumo Flow non è in grado di prevenire gli incendi. Leggete queste istruzioni per l’uso con attenzione prima di Allarme: batteria blocco DC 9 V (LR61 o 6F22) installare il congegno di allarme fumo.
Manufactured in China by: test facility, whenever the battery is replaced. Manufactured in China by: Flow Products International b.v. Flow Products International b.v. Madridstraat 8 XXX-CPD-XXXXXXXX...
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Denne alarmen registrerer ikke varme, gass eller - Lett å installere (inkludert festedeler) ammer og er kun ment for bruk i hjemmet. Flow-røykvarsleren kan ikke forebygge - Produsert i Kina brann. Les disse brukerinstruksene nøye før du monterer røykvarsleren. Ta vare på...
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Replace smoke detector before: xx/xx/xxxx Test the alarm for correct operation using the Manufactured in China by: test facility, whenever the battery is replaced. Flow Products International b.v. Manufactured in China by: Flow Products International b.v. Madridstraat 8 XXX-CPD-XXXXXXXX...
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Den här varnaren är avsedd för - Quali ed för användning i temperaturer från 0 till +55 grader Celsius? användning i hemmet. Brandvarnaren Flow kan inte förebygga någon brand. Läs - Lätt att installera (inklusive fästdelar) den här bruksanvisningen noga innan du monterar brandvarnaren.
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Replace smoke detector before: xx/xx/xxxx Test the alarm for correct operation using the Manufactured in China by: test facility, whenever the battery is replaced. Flow Products International b.v. Manufactured in China by: Flow Products International b.v. Madridstraat 8 XXX-CPD-XXXXXXXX...