EVSE Portable EV Charger
Mode 2 Portable EV Charger
Thank you for your purchase decision!
With this BS-PCD050 mobile charger, you have chosen a
solid, extremely compact and versa�le product.
The charger has been developed for extreme flexibility,
offers you the advantages of charging anywhere where
there is alterna�ng current and three-phase current,
provided that you have the appropriate socket adapter.
Charging capacity:
3-phase up to 16kW (MAX 24A) / 1-phase up to 7.4kW
(MAX 32A)
Used Anywhere
Thanks to the op�onal adapter kit, you are able to charge
your car on any socket:
Adjustable Phase and Power
Thanks to the touch screen, you can select the power phase
and adjust the current se�ng freely.
Time se�ng
Thanks to the touch screen, you can set charging dura�on
and �me delay freely.
Universal Adapter with Automa�c Recogni�on
The charger will automa�cally recognize the adapter and
the current limit accordingly. Thus, it is impossible to set
inadvertently too high charging current.
Built-in RCD Type B
This mobile charger has built-in RCD protec�on device with
DC current detec�on (30 mA AC and 6 mA DC). Therefore an
upstream RCD type B is not necessary. If this charger is
operated from a power outlet, it must be preceded by a
RCD type A, independent of the charger.