VT Miltope nMAP Guide De Démarrage Rapide page 4

Point d'acces sans fil
Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles

Les langues disponibles

A. Ensure that test box POWER switch is in OFF position and
RF ON/RF OFF switch is in RF OFF position.
B. Power up:
1. Power up the desktop and laptop computers.
2. Connect the test cable AC or DC input lines to the power
source and apply power to the test cable. The nMAP access
point POWER and RF ENABLE indicators will be lit amber.
3. Place the test box POWER switch in the ON position. After
approximately ten seconds, the nMAP access point POWER
indicator will light green.
WARNING: The nMAP access point antennas radiate radio
frequency (RF) power. To avoid exceeding Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) radio
frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the
antennas shall be no less than eight inches
(20 centimeters) while RF is enabled.
4. Place the RF ON/RF OFF switch in the RF ON position. After
approximately 30 seconds, the nMAP access point
RF ENABLE indicator will light green.
C. Configure for simple wireless LAN test:
1. Configure the wireless adapter in the laptop computer with a
wireless network name (SSID) of Miltope, an IP address of, and encryption disabled. (Refer to the wireless
adapter user's manual for configuration instructions.)
2. Configure the desktop computer with an IP address of and if necessary, reboot the computer. (Refer to
operating system user's manual for network configuration.)
D. Test the wireless LAN:
1. On the laptop computer, type ping –n 25 <Enter>
(Windows) or ping -c 25 <Enter> (Linux). The
nMAP access point RF ACTIVE indicator will flash indicating
wireless LAN activity.
2. Verify that no errors or timeouts are reported and Reply
from is displayed 25 times in the Command
Prompt window. This confirms communication between the
laptop computer and nMAP access point.
3. On the laptop computer, type ping –n 25
<Enter> (Windows) or ping –c 25 <Enter>
(Linux). The nMAP access point RF ACTIVE indicator will
flash indicating wireless LAN activity.
4. Verify that no errors or timeouts are reported and Reply
from is displayed 25 times in the Command
Prompt window. This confirms communication between the
laptop computer and the desktop computer.
5. On the desktop computer, type ping –n 25
<Enter> (Windows) or ping -c 25 <Enter>
(Linux). The nMAP access point LAN ACTIVE indicator will
flash indicating wired LAN activity.
6. Verify that no errors or timeouts are reported and Reply
from is displayed 25 times in the Command
Prompt window. This confirms communication between the
desktop computer and the nMAP access point.
E. Refer to nMAP Wireless Access Point Operating Software
Operator's Manual M365-634 for detailed instructions for
configuring the nMAP access point for a specific application.
Selecting the country of operation during the
configuration process will limit radio configuration to
settings that comply with the regulatory requirements
of the selected country. The default country setting is
WORLD which provides compliance with the regulatory
requirements of most countries around the world.
The nMAP Wireless Access Point must be installed by personnel
qualified and authorized to install equipment aboard an aircraft.
Mounting the nMAP Access Point – As shown in the nMAP access
point outline drawing, six mounting holes are provided. Mount the
nMAP access point using number 10-24 mounting hardware.
Recommended torque value for mounting hardware is 24.0 inch-
pounds. Although not mandatory for specification compliance, it is
recommended that the nMAP access point be mounted to a grounded
surface within the aircraft. An unpainted area around each mounting
hole provides ground connection to the mounting surface.
Mounting the Cabin Antennas - Three antennas are required for
Radio 1 and one antenna is required for Radio 2 The antenna outline
drawing shows the outline dimensions and mounting-hole locations
for the antenna. Refer to nMAP operator's manual M365-627 for
antenna radiation pattern information. Mount the antenna using
number 6-32 mounting hardware. Recommended torque value for
mounting hardware is 5.0 inch-pounds. It is recommended that the
antennas be mounted a minimum of six inches apart.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières